Twenty-four: Corey

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After throwing up in the bathroom multiple times, I had finally made my way into the shower... where I threw up again. Jasper sat patiently on the other side of the closed door, ready to burst through if I needed help.

I needed more than help.

I needed either death or the banishment to just happen. This was torture.

After dressing up my face and hair and slipping on the dress Lucy had bought, I opened the door to see Jasper standing there. His jaw slacked.

"Wow," he gasped. I gave him a small smile, looking down at my outfit.

"Alright?" I asked.

"Beautiful," he replied. He leaned down and pecked my lips, careful not to smudge my lipstick.

"I'm going to throw up again," I announced. Jasper looked at me with cautious eyes.

"No you're not," he told me softly. "You're fine. You're just nervous."

"I'm just about to get kicked out of that pack is what's just about to happen," I mumbled under my breath. Jasper sighed softly.

"Just enjoy tonight?" he offered. I gave a stiff nod.

"May as well." My eyes dropped to the ground, refusing to look up at him. It hurt too much to know that in exactly two days I'd be leaving Max, the pack, my family and Lucinda behind... Even though I knew my family wouldn't care - they were disgusted of me anyway.

The drive to the school hall was silent. Jasper didn't say anything. He looked absolutely stunning in his suit...

I shook my head and looked out the window, hearing Lucinda freak out.

It's going to be okay, I promised her.

Tonight isn't enough, she replied. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

I know.

I felt Jasper look over at me with concerned eyes, he knew I was struggling with this idea. He had made a compromise with the council that Jasper and I would not return until "the time was right". And then, he would take over role as Alpha... With me as his Luna. I hadn't told Lucinda. I wasn't going to at all, it would hurt us both more if she knew I was coming back than if I wasn't - besides, Jasper and I had no idea when "the time" was... In a year? A month? A week? No one could tell for sure, but Jasper refused to leave me to my own defences...

I was surprised when his Dad agreed. I was expecting him to disown his son like my family had done to me... but Koen took into heavy consideration about Jasper 's and my unique 'mate-bond' we have; about the bruises and pain we both feel when either of us are inflicted. Koen understood what it was like to lose a mate - having lost his own wife... I guess that's why he couldn't disown Jasper. He was too much like his mother.

When we arrived at the hall, cars were streaming in one by one, with couples walking up the stairs into the hall. I saw Max immediately - his goofy grin beamed. He stood next to a new girl that had come a few weeks ago - Brianna, I think her name was. She was a cute looking girl, with mousy brown hair and eyes like a storm. Her and Max had clicked pretty much right away, which was great for the both of them.

Pulled out of my trance, Jasper opened my door and held out his hand. I grabbed it after taking off my seatbelt and allowed him to help me out of the car. My stomach began to gurgle and churn again.

"I'm going to puke," I wheezed out. Jasper pulled me into him and pressed his lips against mine briefly.

"No you're not," he told me for the second time that night. "You're okay. We'll go through this together, yeah?"

I looked up at him with appreciated eyes and nodded.


And together we walked to the hall, with no idea what the night held.

But when I saw Lucinda

Everything stopped.

Corey, I heard her gasp. I grinned, tears pricking at my eyes as I looked her up and down.

And in that moment, I knew things would be okay. I wasn't leaving her, not really. After all, we're both just rebellious girls, with an inextricable bond, and an unbreakable friendship.

And that would never change.

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