Thriteen: Lucinda

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Corey had been moody all week ever since I told her my plan. But I thought that she would have come around by then. Apparently not. She had shut me out again and I knew I deserved part of that. I sure as hell didn't deserve her shitty attitude. When she not only started pushing me away but some of her closest friends. I got suspicious and decided to pay a visit to her 'lover' - as I called him when she wasn't around.


I watched from a distance and made sure that I stayed down wind. If Corey was right and Jasper was the Alpha's son... I could have been in great danger. I watched as Jasper lost it at his friends and even at his father. That - I could safely say - was terrifying. Jasper and his Dad fought and Jasper ended up paying for the price. With the amount of hits I assumed that Corey would be just as badly bruised in the morning. Only the next day when I saw her, she wasn't. Not a bruise in sight. That had really set me back with my theory. Maybe I was wrong. Could I had been wrong? Did I potentially put my whole relationship with Corey at risk for a false theory?

I saw Hayden walk out from behind a corner and punch a locker. I flinched at his outbreak and contemplated if I should go talk to him. I took a step forward and he looked over at me. Something in my stomach lurched as our eyes made contact. Was Corey right? Was I actually crushing on her best friend? I glanced away quickly before I returned my eyes to his. I walked over to Hayden and he leaned against the lockers as I approached.

"Hayden, are you alright?" I asked. I looked him over and saw no physical injury which meant that he was emotionally damaged. Hayden shook his head and closed his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Corey," Hayden told me in a pained whisper. Her name sent a wave of guilt through my body. Something wasn't right. Both Corey and Jasper were acting strangely. Surely there had to be an explanation for this.

"I'm sure everything will be okay," I told him. "Corey is probably just going through a mood."

"I can understand if she's going through a mood but I don't understand why she would push me away. I apologised for what happened on the weekend. Is she still upset with me?" Hayden said without looking at me. I frowned and tried to come up with a reasonable explanation but I couldn't.

"Hey," I said as I touched his arm. "She'll come around. I promise. We will all go out tonight and have a good time, okay? Maybe Corey's mood will be over by then." Hayden glanced up at me and gave me a small smile which faded quickly.

"I'm not sure if I want to come tonight," Hayden told me honestly. My stomach dropped painfully.

"You have to," I told him firmly. Hayden looked at me and rose his eyebrows.

"Why?" Hayden asked. "If Corey is going and is just going to hate me all night why should I bother?" My hands began to shake by my side and I hoped that Hayden wouldn't notice.

"Because I've never been to a school dance before," I said softly as my chest tightened into a knot.

Please don't make me do this, I thought quietly. Hayden opened his mouth to say something but I beat him to it. I clenched my jaw and hardened my eyes.

"You will go to the school dance tonight," I told Hayden. "You will go with me and be my date. You won't worry about Corey's mood and enjoy yourself."

"Will I pick you up?" Hayden asked in a daze. I don't know if it was possible but my chest tightened more painfully.

"No," I said firmly. "We will meet here at seven."

"Seven," Hayden whispered after me. "Here."

"Yes," I nodded my head. I stepped back away from him and our breathing turned back to normal. Only mine was a little faster than I would have liked. Hayden gave me a smile and began to walk away.

"I'll see you tonight Luce," he said before he disappeared. I watched him walk away and with every step I felt weak. I waited until there was nobody left in the corridor before I raced off towards the bathroom. I locked myself in a cubicle and waited until my rapid breathing slowed down.

What did you do? Corey growled in my mind. The guilt escalated as I struggled to fight back tears. I couldn't tell Corey. I couldn't put the relationship in more jeopardy.

I didn't mean to, I replied softly.

What did you do? Corey repeated louder this time. I winced and paused before I replied again.

I used compulsion.

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