Nine: Lucinda

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Shopping wasn't a total disaster although I was not expecting it to be. It was late when I finally reached home though. Well, early but considering that I was on a human schedual now it was late. I still couldn't believe that Corey had convinced me to get a dress for our summer 'formal' dance. What could be formal about a summer dance?

"You back fangs?" I heard Dad call from the kitchen.

"Yup," I said popping the 'p' at the end. I was exhausted. Who knew that shopping could be so tiring. I found myself walking into the kitchen and pouring myself a glass of fresh blood.

"How was shopping?" Dad asked. I looked over at him and shrugged.

"It was fine," I admitted honestly. There was no way I was going to tell him or Mum who I had been with all night.

"Why do you stink like wet dog and damp sandalwood?" Mum asked screwing up her nose. I didn't breathe. They could smell Corey on me. I struggled to come up with an excuse.

"We moved to a town populated by werewolves," I pointed out. "Don't you think that I'd come home smelling like them if you have to keep making me socialise with them?" Mum looked over at Dad who only just smiled.

"You have a point Luce," Dad winked. I released the breath I was holding glad that I had made a reasonable excuse. I escaped into my room with the shopping bags before my parents could question me further. Something I didn't want. I didn't realise that I smelt that bad so I had a quick shower and washed myself thoroughly. Normal people might sing in the shower but my thoughts were recapping what I had saw tonight. So many bruises. So much pain. Corey. Jasper. What does Jasper have to do anything with what Corey is going through? Why is Corey getting hurt? My mind raced into overdrive and I even considered watching Corey while she slept to see how she got her bruises.

Once out of the shower I put on my pyjamas and walked back into my room. Nicholas and I share a bathroom and I would imagine that he would go in to brush his teeth. He should have had an early night. I pulled the dress that Corey bought me out of its shopping bag and gazed at it. She was right. It was my dress. I hung it up in my wardrobe so it wouldn't wrinkle and get dirty. I just had to make sure Kittles stayed away from it. Thank goodness I wouldn't need to pull the dress out until the dance at the end of next week. I was not looking forward to it. Well, maybe just a little. I had never been to a school dance before and I hoped that this summer one would be the best for my first time.

I climbed into bed and pulled out my diary to write down my wondrous thoughts. I needed to get them down so I could figure out what was going on with Corey. I didn't like to see her hurt. When I had finished writing I decided to call it quits and go to bed. I heard my parents lock my door just before I fell into a deep sleep.

I awoke with a start. Something wasn't right. My head was pounding and I felt feverish.

Son of a bitch!

I rubbed my eyes and stretched. It felt like I had been slapped in my sleep which was weird. But that wasn't the weirdest thing... I could hear Corey.

Corey? I asked reaching out with my mind. If she heard me last night, maybe there was a chance that she could hear me again today. I called her name over and over again until I finally got a response from her.

Lucy? H-how can... What's going on? I heard her voice as if she was standing in front of me talking.

I don't know. I told her thoughtfully. Did you get another bruise when you woke up? I waited for Corey's reply and it came faster than I was expecting.

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