Twenty: Corey

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I always had a feeling wars were different to what they seemed to be like on television or in the movies. But not like this. Parting from Jasper was hard, but watching my fellow pack members shifting and slaughtering or being slaughtered was harder. I had no idea where Lucinda had been kept, but trusted the rest of the pack enough for find her. The members I had accumulated to head west continued on silently until it all went to havock. A fully-grown hunter came out of nowhere and almost killed me which ended in one of the members to shift and well... you can guess the rest. After that, it was bloody, gruesome and downright scary as shit. Every time a hunter came at me, I fought the urge to shift like my instincts were screaming at me to.

Then I saw Hayden stumbling out of the back door of the house with two men supporting him around the waist.

Everything boiled inside of me. I sprinted toward him and unluckily, the two men supporting him saw me first. One let go of Hayden and charged toward me, grabbing a pole out of nowhere. I crash tackled the guy just before the power of the swing came through, completely winding himself and me at the same time. I rolled onto my back and watched in slow motion as a second guy attempted to jump on me while someone else crash tackled him away. I gasped, struggling to find air to fill my lungs and scurried backwards on my hands and ass. I looked up to see the guy I had tackled down groaning and rolling onto his back, while the other guy was pinned down by someone.

By Hayden.

My eyes widened as he got off the guy and began walking to me. I attempted to scurry back.

"Corey, stop!" he yelled. I stopped in pure fear he'd kill me. The burning sensation in my stomach and back arose again. I fought the urge back. I couldn't shift.

Not now.

Hayden continued his way to me, with a hesitant step.

"Stop," he said softly. I blinked out of the trance I was under and stood up, hardening my eyes on him.

"Stay away," I growled.

"Corey, please, you have to underst-"

He didn't finish. Three hunters came charging and two wolves attacked. I ran.

My stomach churned and toiled; head pounding and feeling like it was about to burst. A woman came out of nowhere and took a slash at my waist. I groaned in pain and my knees dropped to the ground. Before I could turn to face my attacker, a hard fist collided in with my head, forcing me to the ground completely. Attempting to at least got on my hands and knees, and foot connected with my side, my bottom jaw slammed against the gravel, blood filling my mouth.

"Think you can save a pathetic vampire do you?" the woman spat, venom dripping off every word. "Think again you filthy bitch."

In one, swift movement, I swung my legs around, tripping the woman over before scampering to my feet, spitting out the blood in my mouth. The woman regained to her feet as well and readied to throw herself at me, although she didn't get as far as taking a step before she was taken out... literally...

I stared at the large wolf who had taken down the crazy hunter-woman. Any rational person would be afraid of being close to such a large creature but all I could do was bow my head and mutter a quick thanks before he ran off. I swallowed as the alpha ran off to help the other pack members with their individual battles.

I ended up running away from that scene straight into another... Of Jasper carrying Lucinda out. My eyes widened as I watch him shove her away before slicing a hunter's chest open with a knife that appeared from nowhere. Jasper then turned to Lucinda, eyes hardened and desperate before he screamed "RUN!" And so she did. I began to chase after her before I shoved off a female hunter on Jasper's back in attempt to help back off the possibility of . Jasper turned to me, his knife raised. When his eyes settled on mine, he gave me one last, desperate look.


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