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      I love my sister, I do. But sometimes, I feel like she can be so dramatic. Like with Klaus, I know I'm a bit off for defending Klaus. But deep under that big bag hybrid act is a good caring man, I know it. I can feel it. Ever since last night, I got this slight sting on my writs and now there's a mark on it. It looked to be a small dove, I know I don't get a tatto. So I tried to cover it up with bracelets. I sat in my room brushing my hair in my window looking outside, as people walked by. Couples walking together, holding hands. I smile at them as they do. I'm a hopelessly romantic type. I continue to brush my golden hair as I were Rapunzel. Birds seem to chirp as I hummed a tune, off the top of my head. The wind blows gentlely as the morning dew vanishes. I feel the sense of being watched. I look around and see no one. I look outside, no one is looking at me. I sigh, getting up and closing my window shut, I pull the curtains close. The sunlight dimming in my room.

I sigh once their close, I'm use to being in my room a lot. Me, being home schooled and all. "Thea!" My sister calls for me. I wince, her yells were always quite loud. "Coming!" I call back, I walk out and downstairs. She makes me waffles and grabs me a glass of milk. I finish as there is a knock at the door. We both look at the door then each other. "Mail?" I mouth to Caroline. "I don't think so" she mouthes back. We get up, slowly. We walk to the door and open it, to see two boxes. One for Caroline and One for me. We lift them, I take mine to my room. Not really wanting Caroline in my business right now, and if I need her, I'll call for her....

I set the box on my bed, I untie the blue green purple ribbon. It felt like freshly made silk, like on new fabrics. I lift the box, open and gasp. The dress was beautiful. A long laced, light blue dress. Old fashioned but I loved it. Light baby blue heels, a pretty blue necklace, and a small note. I lift the note, curious. I read...

'Mikealson Ball'

On the bottom below, it says;

Remember me? Kol, from the bar last night?

I would love to see you again, tonight at my family's ball. Please do wear the dress, I sent. That way I know it is you, and I will greatly explain that mark of your's, Darling

~Kol Mikealson

I scoff smiling, then turning it over and seeing.

Save me a dance and maybe a kiss, Darling


I blush smiling a bit. When I meet Kol, last night. He wasn't a bad guy, maybe he had that bad boy vibe to him. But he was a puzzle I was bound to solve. "Ugh! I can't believe him!!" I hear Caroline complain, it was probably Klaus again. Oh brother....

After that whole wakening, I stayed in my room sitting on my window seal. I swear I looked like some fairy tale princess sitting in her tower for her prince. That's how a lot of people described me as, a princess. A Queen, a Goddess. It made me uncomfortable, to be honest. I didn't feel like any of that at all. Audrey and his little friends are right, I'm nothing and ugly. Why even go to the ball?

I sat there looking outside when I hear rustling from within my room. I look and see nothing, until my eye catches a piece of parchment on my desk. I get up and walk to my deskm warying of my surroundings. I lift and unflod. I read it....

Why so sad, Darling? I can feel it, you know. I sense it, what is the matter?

(P.s. just write what's wrong and leave on your desk)


No one really asks me what's wrong, always assuming I'm fine 'cause I'm always smiling. I scoff, he was the first. But him, sensing I was sad is what caught me off guard. What did he mean? He said he explain at the ball, I guess I'll just have to trust him on this one. I grab a pen and sit. I write...

Have you ever felt not yourself, like your were something more but you didn't know what? Cause I feel that way, and I feel so out of place around my friends and family like I'm black sheep but in reality and to others I really don't.


Maybe Kol was a good gut after all....

I spent all day in my room, I kept hearing this strange voices. Three were very familiar, I blocked them out as I got ready. I look myself in the mirror, I looked.....



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Beautiful. My hair was curled, my makeup was done just right which Caroline helped me with. My hair stopped midway, I smile. Me and Caroline leave to the ball, the house was huge and beautiful. Lights everywhere and an enchanting garden just beyond the house. We stepped out of Caroline's car. We walk in and I felt every man's, around my age, eyes on me and her like we were goddesses in the flesh. We walked in, I kinda got separated from Caroline. I wondered on my own. "I knew you come, Darling" I hear a beautiful accent, I turn and see him,

Kol Mikealson.

I smile. "I don't get out much, so what not" I smile. He chuckles lowering his head then looking back up to me. "You look gorgeous in that dress if I do say so myself" he smirks. I look down, at the outfit then to him. "Thank you, though you didn't have to" I say blushing. "Nonsense," he waves it off. "The least I could do for my mate." I look at him. "What?" I ask. "Mate, your my mate, Thea. That mark, look" he grabs my wrist and compares mine to his. Where sat a large bird, almost like a raven. I stare wide eyed. I looked at him. "I've only ever heard of stories with mates, all folklore. I was never sure if they were real. Angels have them, werewolves, vampires and others like that. I never thought I be one" I say. He smiles, "its a rare thing to find them, mkst of the thing people dont." "Well then I guess we are lucky" I joke. "I guess we are," he smiles holding out his arm like a gentlemen. "Well, I would love for you to meet my mother." He says, I take his arm. "Dont you have siblings" I ask as we walk to his mother, she was beautiful. Truley.

"I do, but they can wait" he says as we approach his mother. "Mother" he calls, she turns and smiles at him and I. "Kol, my son" she greets Kol with a hug then looks to me. "And who might you be?" She asks. "Mother, it's her" he says. "Who?" She asks. "My mate, the one with the dove" he says. She looks surprised and looks at me. Next thing I know, is that she is hugging me. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Esther" she smiles. "You have a loving home, Esther. I'm Luciana Frobes, but do call me Thea, all my friends do" I smile. Kol and his mother are called to welcome everyone, I stay where I am. When I feel someone behind me, I glance and see Damon. "Hello Damon" I say.

"Hello" he says. "Let me guess, Elena came anyways huh?" I say hiding a smirk. I knew either of the Salvatore brothers wanted her to come. "How'd you know?" He asks. "I know my friend, Damon" I say smiling. "Touchè" he says, I laugh quietly.

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