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It had been approximately ten minutes since Yiseul rummaging her bag in hope she would find two things that might save her life that day: money and a keychain. Honestly, she didn't even care that much if she didn't find money in her bag which would result her in starvation. The keychain, which she believed as her lucky charm, was the actual matter here. It was the last gift from her mother, and if she couldn't find it, then her life would be much more miserable than it already was.

Sighing, she dropped her head on the table. The keychain had only been gone for a few hours, yet she had already experienced this much sorrows. She wouldn't want to imagine what her life would be like in the next ten years.

There were thirty minutes left until the lunch break ended, and Yiseul didn't really have anything to do except waiting. Her closest friend, Daeun, was absent from school today for God knows why, adding another reason as to why her day went with such misfortune. At this rate, sleep sounded like a good idea, not until she heard noises coming from nearby though. Looking up, she was startled to find Wonwoo standing in front of her, wearing the same expressionless face he always had as he put some food on her desk.

"W-what is this?" she stuttered, looking back and forth at him and the food he tossed her.

"I just thought you wouldn't have money for lunch," he shrugged. For no apparent reason, a tint of pink made its way to both her cheeks, causing her to look down on a cup of ramen and cola he gave her. Wasn't this too much to lend someone you merely know as a classmate? "Besides, you can't borrow some money since your friend isn't at school today."

All she had to do was only say thank you and that she would repay him, but she felt tongue tied as the words were stuck on her throat. Seeing him doing this kindness out of nothing was such an epiphany in some sorts. Yes, Yiseul admitted that he had a cold image, but that didn't mean she had judged him to the extent where she thought that he really didn't have feelings or anything. It was just still surprising that he would pay that much attention to her, leading the girl to see him as a person with a halo above his head and a pair of wings sprouting on his back; an angel.

"Thank you," she managed to let out those two simple words after holding it for too long, Wonwoo only replied by raising his eyebrows. "I'm gonna repay you tomorrow, I swear."

The boy only nodded. There was a moment of silence as they exchanged awkward stares. The two of them kept taking deep breaths but then sighed as if they had something else to say. Well, Yiseul did. She was contemplating whether she had to ask Wonwoo whether he saw her keychain or not. They went to school together this morning, so there was, perhaps, a chance that he saw it, right?

"Wonwoo," she finally spoke up when he was about to leave, "I was wondering...if you maybe see a keychain this morning. I...kinda lost it."

There she went. As ridiculous as it sounded, Yiseul couldn't just leave the topic of her lucky charm without knowing where it went. She was reckless at keeping things, but the keychain was the only thing she could keep for eight years.

"A keychain?" Wonwoo raised an eyebrow. "What kind of keychain?"

"Yeah, it was a keychain with a rare Eddy figurine," she explained. "You know, that yellow fox in Pororo cartoon."

Wonwoo leaned on the desk beside her, making himself comfortable. The tape in his mind kept playing records from this morning, but there was nothing as memorable as helping Yiseul escaping death. He was about to give up remembering until a glimpse of memory crossed his mind. His expression brightened up only to drop a split second later.

"Oh that," he trailed off, running a hand through his hair. "I kinda saw it slipping from your bag."

Yiseul loosened her shoulders in disappointment as a loud sigh escaped her mouth. She looked so upset about the keychain which put him in a state of confusion. People in every corner of the world sell keychain, so it sounded quite ridiculous to him to see her act that way.

"It was my lucky charm," she sighed, banging her head against the table.

A few moments passed without words, so Wonwoo took it as a cue for him to leave. It wasn't like they had anything else to talk about anyways. He had taken enough pity on her for almost being ran over by the bus and not having her wallet, but getting upset over a keychain was another thing.

"It was the last gift from mom."

Wonwoo stopped dead in his tracks. The way she said those words just provoked something inside him. It had made sense why it was such a big deal to her. He hesitantly turned back only to see her long black hair blocking her face which she covered with both hands. Even the food he bought her earlier remained untouched.

It was partly his fault, he admitted. He clearly saw it falling but wasn't even being considerate to merely tell her that her keychain had fallen off. With a step full of guilt, Wonwoo slowly walked toward her, hoping that he maybe could make it up to her.

"Yiseul," he called softly. The girl took her hands off of her face, showing a sad smile. "Do you know where your mom got the keychain from? I know it's not going to be the same, but maybe I could get you another one."

Excitement suddenly filled up her body, but knowing that she got it ten years ago, Yiseul doubted that someone would even still sell it. "She got it from the amusement park."

Wonwoo's pupils dilated as he clenched both his fists. He froze in his spot and every little thing he did suddenly looked so rigid. "You know what, never mind."


hi i hope you guys like the story so far. and yup as you can see, i changed the title for some reason. enjoy tho!! :)

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