
829 73 14

tw: death, violence, blood.

do not read if you feel uncomfortable.


The noisy surrounding was somewhat pleasing instead of infuriating to the two twelve year-olds. Although they had been told to stay somewhere near the gate, since the girl's mom was on her way to pick them up, but of course it was hard for the little ones to just wait and stand still.

With a cotton candy in their hands, their tiny feet moving place to place, looking for something that could keep their interest alive. Though there was basically no arena left for them to explore, they still wandered around excitedly.

It was amazing how they weren't worn out yet despite the fact that they had walked for so long and sweats start dripping off their foreheads.

"Do you wanna get ice cream next?" the girl asked, licking the cotton candy leftover off her hands.

"Minjung-ah, didn't your mom tell us to wait at the entrance gate?" the boy replied, handing a wet tissue to her after taking one for himself.

The girl shrugged mindlessly. Her ponytail wiggling as she did so. "I don't know, Wonwoo. It's my birthday, so my mom's not one to decide here, is she?"

Wonwoo sighed at her sassy remark. She was as stubborn as a mule and would definitely let nothing get in her way. He should've known better that whatever she said was not to be resisted.

So, when Minjung said she wanted to get ice cream, Wonwoo could only agree to her idea.

Just when he thought she would be satisfied after having ice cream, Minjung insisted that she still wanted to play some more although they had tried all the rides there. And as tired as he was, Wonwoo gladly granted her wishes.

It was her birthday after all, she deserved to be the happiest person. Going through thick and thin together for the whole five years, Wonwoo knew her like the back of his hand. He knew that her busy parents wouldn't have the time to make her wishes come true—although it was as simple as going to an amusement park—so, he was the one willing to do it.

"Ya, walk faster! Why are you as slow as a snail? I want to ride the ferris wheel one more time before my mom picks us up!" Minjung shouted excitedly and Wonwoo automatically ran toward her after she mocked him.

"Don't run! I'm gonna get you!" he yelled loudly, chasing after her who was now running with a huge smile on her face.

The two kids ran down the pathway, flailing their arms. Their laughter stood out in the crowd as the late-autumn wind howled, making him shudder. But she didn't seem to be bothered by the cold wind somehow. She was still running, with arms opened as she laughed freely at God knows what. Wonwoo's lips inevitably curled up, seeing the delightful sight in front of him.

Before he knew it, his face was collided with Minjung's head when she stopped abruptly. He gave her a death glare which she returned with a bewildered look, she motioned her chin at the crowds in front of her. And by crowds, it was one big group of people gathering together as if there was some magic show.

"Everyone back off while I call the security," he heard someone say, but instead of making them beware of the situation, it caused the curiosity to grow out of them.

The two of them struggled as they were trying to walk past the crowds and see what was going on.

Instead of a magic show like they expected, there was a middle aged man standing in the middle of the crowds. There was nothing wrong with this man which made him wonder why on earth he became the center of attention.

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