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As if the goddess of bad luck was on her side, her morning went nothing but chaotic. After the breakfast she barely had, she had to use her energy to chase her brother down with a heavy backpack on her shoulder and a complete uniform. It was even harder considering the fact that Yiseul didn't like exercising at one bit. If only she didn't trick him into thinking that she had a Lotte World voucher on her wallet, then this all wouldn't have happened. Hyungsuk wouldn't have stolen her wallet, not knowing that she actually didn't have what he wanted there.

If she were about to be honest, she could no longer feel her legs after running in such a short distance. Yiseul didn't even know how to manage her breath, causing her to pant and slow down, letting the gap between the two of them get even bigger. That didn't mean she was going to give up though. She was determined in getting what was hers back, because although all she had only was her pocket money, she also had some important cards which Hyungsuk would happily sell if he was that irritated.

"Come back here, you little rascal!" She shouted, people on the sidewalk turning their heads at her and she couldn't really care less. If she didn't have her wallet, she would not have anything to eat for lunch today.

Unfortunately, the faster she ran, the faster he got out of her sight. Hyungsuk was already on the other side of the road, sticking out his tongue at her triumphantly, Yiseul mentally cursed at him for putting her through a hard time this morning.

The second she step her foot on the street, her life flashed before her eyes. A bus was speeding right in front of her face and Yiseul was too dumbfounded to proceed what was happening, let alone taking her step back. Had it not been her bag being yanked back by the person behind her, she would've been ran over by the bus. And judging from its speed, she would've had no hope to live.

There were times where she said that she wanted to die—either she really did want to, or for the sake of her reaction toward everything—but it was a relief that she could feel her heart still beating fast. Her legs felt as mushy as jelly and her breathing sounded so harsh that she was surprised she could stand still. The morning was rough as it was and she still got the whole day waiting for her. If there weren't that much people on the streets, she would've definitely broken down with everything that had happened. On the bright side though, Hyungsuk was nowhere to be seen. He didn't need to see his sister experiencing being so close to death.

Although she wasn't fully collected, but she decided to go on because it would take her the whole day to be fully recovered. Just as she was about to go back on her track to school, she felt an extra burden on her back. Yiseul turned her head, her eyes widened when she saw a tall figure with a very familiar face which later she recognized as none other than her classmate, Wonwoo—which she also realized to be the one who pulled her back from the street and saved her reckless ass.

Wonwoo awkwardly let go of her bag as silence took over the situation. As classmates, they only knew each other by names. Although, of course, they had been involved in some projects together, but today was probably the most intense interaction they had ever initiated.

"Ya, I don't feel like witnessing death today," he casually said, his deep voice echoed in between the noisy street. Was that even supposed to be sarcastic? "Are you okay?"

"Yes," Yiseul nodded, turning around to bow at him. If he didn't pull her back to the sideway, she would have died by now. "Thank you so much for stopping me earlier. I owe you my life."

His eyes went widen in shock by her last statement, but he quickly hid it.

"What made you run frantically anyways?" he asked, his deep voice was full of curiosity, but he somehow managed to put on a straight face.

"I was chasing my brother," she paused. Getting an 'oh really?' look from him, so she continued to make it clearer. "He stole my wallet so I had to get it back!"

Turning around, he shook his head. After hearing the reason why she almost got hit by a bus, Wonwoo would probably think of her as a reckless and ridiculous citizen. "You really did risk your life for a wallet. You know, it sounds like you actually don't value your life at all."

Wonwoo proceeded to walk toward the bus stop, making Yiseul tragically sigh at her life more. It wasn't even like she wanted to get hit for real, she was just being hasty for not seeing the traffic lights before she crossed the road. But honestly, what did she expect from him? He was a quiet kid in class. She didn't even know him so she had no right to judge him for being too blatant.

Yiseul had only taken a step forward when she hesitated to walk even further. Not that she had never been on a bus together with her schoolmates or had anything against being in a bus with her schoolmates. There was just something that restrained her from being nowhere near him after what had happened, because there was a chance she was going to ridicule herself in front of him again, and that he would make some blatant comments again. Though, it was impossible for her to go in a different way considering that they were classmates. Eventually, Yiseul braced herself to take further steps, following him behind.

It was going to be a tough day.


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