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The first thing Yiseul said after crying on Wonwoo's shoulder was "I'm sorry", but of course the boy told her it was okay, and that it was okay if she wanted to cry some more.

Apparently, his words sounded rather funny to her which was why she broke into a fit of giggles, causing his ears turn red in embarrassment.

Since that day, they had become actual friends. The ones you hang out with together and lean on whenever it gets hard.

He even let her—and Daeun—sit with his friends. They wouldn't let her live with numerous amount of teasing, though. To which both Wonwoo and Yiseul responded by eye rolling and sigh of annoyance.

His friends, teaming up with Daeun, thought it was funny, because no matter how hard they tried to look tough and annoyed, they would become all mushy and red eventually.

As days became weeks and weeks became months, the two of them were only getting closer. They even went to school together—not that they didn't take the same bus before, but they were just unaware of each other's presence.

These days, they even sat together and often shared their rushed breakfast and/or headphones together in the bus.

Sometimes, when her father had a night shift at the hospital, Wonwoo's mom would invite her and Hyungsuk over for dinner together. If not, then Wonwoo would be the one sent to deliver them the food.

Yiseul had told his mom countless times that she didn't have to do that because she felt like it was a burden to her. But his mom just brushed it off, saying that she felt like treating her and Hyungsuk as her own children. Which, of course, overwhelmed her.

Most of the time, Wonwoo would come over to her house, with homework as an excuse when he just wanted to see her.

So there they were, sitting in the small porch at the back of her house. Snacks were scattered all over the small tea table, piled up together with some books.

College entrance exams were approaching as the days got colder. With the soft breeze that caused the leaves to rustle, they weren't bothered at all to stay outside. Hyungsuk was being a noisy mess over his play station games inside.

The only thing that bothered her was that Wonwoo was reading a novel instead of actually studying.

"Are you really that prepared to skip studying for a novel?" Yiseul asked, glancing through strands of hair that fell just right to cover her sight.

"I have actually studied half of the material at home," he answered, causing her to roll her eyes.

Putting her pencil down, Yiseul stretched her body as she yawned. The zipper of her hoodie was pulled up over the top because she felt like she could freeze if she let it unzipped.

She leaned back on the chair.

In front of her was Wonwoo, his eyes were glued to a thick book he hadn't looked up from. His glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose, and he would push them up once in a while when they were loose. It was a habit of his that she slowly recognized.

He was wearing an oversized dusty pink sweater that made him look like he was drowning in it. She had to hold the urge to squeal because boys in sweaters are just so soft. And her desire to pet him multiplied since Wonwoo looked exactly as fuzzy and fluffy as a kitten.

"Hey," she cleared her throat, trying to distract herself from her own thoughts. "Come to think of it, I still have no idea what major you're going to take in university."

That statement worked to get him look up from his book and close it after marking the page he was reading.

His serious gaze softened as soon as his eyes met hers. "I'm thinking about, um, taking business management? And probably creative writing as a minor," he said shyly, his cheeks reddened. "I heard you're going to take food science?"

Yiseul nodded. She had always wanted to be a nutritionist. The least that major could do was to help her to keep in track about her family's health.

"Any minor?" he asked and she nodded again.


Then his smile bloomed like a sunflower following the sunlight, and it was the moment she realized that her heart raced when his lips curled into a smile.

The sky was painted in hues of orange and pink as the sun was falling below the horizon. Despite the wind blowing stronger, she felt warmth crept into her spine, filling her veins without leaving any space.

His smile gave her warmth and comfort like a cup of warm coffee milk does. And thinking about it making her all fuzzy inside.

At the moment, everything was perfect—or so she would like to believe.

Because who knows what she thought was perfect could turn 180 degrees a few weeks later?

It was, of course, all good until Wonwoo decided that they needed to focus on the university entrance exam.

There was nothing wrong with that decision and Yiseul was absolutely not against it. As much as she loved spending time with him, her dream was still her number one priority.

What bugged her was the fact that he had completely stopped talking to her while he was perfectly fine with Soonyoung and his other friends.

He acted like a total stranger and even though a part of her had always wanted to greet him first, she was always held back by how cold he was. And it wasn't like he did so just to play hard to get. His stare was different.

There was always something in his mind that she couldn't figure out, and he could drive her crazy if he kept pushing and pulling like this.


it's been so long since i updated? wow ion even know if this chapter is good, but anyways i hope life is treating you all well :D


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