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With a paper bag on her hand, Yiseul was pacing back and forth in front of the white-painted-house as she contemplated whether to ring the bell or not. The pale glow of the moon was starting to appear, replacing the bright light of the day, yet she hasn't succeeded to complete the errand her father gave her which was returning a goods that belonged to his patient.

Last week, without her knowing, a patient of his father made an appointment at home. Be it an accident or not, he left his jacket at their house, making Yiseul responsible for returning it since her father had a shift at the hospital and Hyungsuk was sleeping over at his friend's house.

"Excuse me," the voice of a woman brought her to the realization that she was still walking back and forth in front of that house. A middle-aged woman was standing in the doorway, eyeing her from head to toe as she probably looked suspicious now. "Do you have any reason to be here?"

Yiseul immediately whispered some swear words to herself for the inconvenience she had caused in front of the patient's house which, of course, happened to be Wonwoo. She flashed her a slight smile after bowing to show some respect. "Um, I was wondering if Wonwoo is perhaps home. I have something of his that he left at, um, our house."

Once again, the woman eyed her before numerously blinking her eyes and shot her a warm smile. "Oh, you're a friend of Wonwoo's then. Come in."

"It's okay, I could just wait here," she nodded her head to convince her.

"No, it's impolite to let our guest stay outside, come in," she insisted, gesturing her hands for her to come in.

Yiseul being Yiseul, she was too bad with arguments, let alone resisting offers. But it was only Wonwoo's house and she was only going to return his jacket, right? With all the courage she had, she opened the fence and came forward to the woman who was welcoming her with a motherly smile.

The warm atmosphere immediately hugged her once she stepped inside, following behind who she was sure was his mother. The interior design was nice with wooden floor and some indoor plants over here and there. Family pictures were hanging on the wall as well as they were put on the drawers. Her eyes squinted when she spotted a picture of a young boy in his toddler age, posing with a baby boy in a carriage. One of them had to be Wonwoo, but she couldn't figure out whether he was the older or the younger one.

"Have a seat while I call him," said the woman and she nodded, doing as she was told.

She took a seat in the couch, her eyes still wandering around the living room. It was obvious that jitters were written all over her eyes, though the snug vibe the house gave her was slowly calming her down.

"Um, hey," a voice interrupted her thoughts, causing her to abruptly stand up to face the tall boy in front of her.

"Hi," she replied, awkwardly smiling.

Wonwoo was surprised to say the least to see her in his house, and Yiseul, too, was getting flustered for no reason. Silence floating in the air, the two of them were busy to make the situation feel a little less awkward. Then, Yiseul realized that she was there to return in his jacket.

"Oh, I came here to return your jacket you left," she said, holding out the bag for him. "My dad thought you'd be needing it, but he's too busy to return it himself, so here I am."

Wonwoo took it from her hand, his eyes shifted back and forth from her and the bag. "You didn't have to do that, but thank you. And sorry for being a bother, I guess."

Yiseul nodded though she was screaming internally. She barely visited a house of someone she didn't know well which made her now clueless as what to do next. Leaving casually would probably be rude since his mother was in the kitchen, not to mention she was the one who let her in. So, it would be right to tell her that she was leaving.

"Wonwoo-ya, can you set the table for dinner?" she called from the kitchen. "Also, why don't you join us for dinner?"

Upon hearing the offer, Yiseul's automatic reaction was to squeal and shake her head numerous times at Wonwoo as a sign of rejection. Though, it seemed like he understood well what she meant, he was standing there still, waiting for her to come with him to the dining room. Eventually, her shout came out as the urge of refusal. "No need to bother ahjumma, I'll have dinner at home."

Just when she was about to rush out of his house, her mom peeked over the kitchen and instead of a smile, this time she showed what rather looked like a plea to her. "There's only two of us for dinner tonight, it would be nice to have someone else joins in."

The girl contemplated for a while. After all what had happened between her and Wonwoo, she guessed the situation would be so awkward. Besides, she barely knew them which made her even more doubtful. Then again, they were just people with a good intention, weren't they?

Yiseul ended up setting in the dining room with Wonwoo, setting up the table for dinner. It was something she rarely do, due to the lack of having an actual dinner together at home. Her father often had late night shifts which resulted in her and Hyungsuk order something in. Even when he was home, he would be too lazy to cook, so he'd just buy them restaurant take-outs. It was unfortunate that she could only cook some simple meals.

"I'm glad we can finally have a girl-friend here, Wonwoo always brings his guy friends over," his mom told her as she brought a pot of stew to the arranged table. It was lucky that both her father and Hyungsuk were out, or else she would've felt guilty about it. "This house is full of boys and I feel so lonely sometimes. I've been wanting some female friends here to share and have some women's talk with."

A smile played on her lips as she heard her blabbering. All she could say was that they suffered from the pain that were men in their houses. Yiseul herself often found herself feeling lonely without the lack of women's presence in her house. "Even with the four of us here, it still feels lonely. Wonwoo's father often stays late in his office and Wonwoo's younger brother, Bohyuk, is often out with his friends."

"Mom, stop complaining," he muttered, feeling somehow embarrassed about his mom's childish complaint. Yiseul though, could only find this adorable since she had no one as talkative as her at home.

The three of them settled in the table. Wonwoo beside her while his mom was in front of them, serving a bowl full of rice for both of them. A faint smile made its way to her face by the event occurring right before her now. All the fear and tension she felt a while ago had somehow lessened.

She felt comfort hugging her whenever his mother's eyes gleamed every time she looked at her; whenever she thought of how she welcoming and caring she was; and how excited she was to be talking to her. Wonwoo would just stay quiet, but the three of them would laugh at the jokes his mother made. They were quite funny, yet Yiseul felt like tears were pooling in her eyes which made her realize one thing; how much she missed the figure of a mother in her life.


aYE AYE AYE it's been quite long since i updated i guess. but anyhow, i hope you guys enjoy this suckish update ANDD MERRY CHRISTMAS, I HOPE YOU GUYS HAVE A VERY JOYFUL AND PLEASANT TIME YAY🎄🎁♥️

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