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Ever since his conversations with Yiseul today, Wonwoo had been feeling uneasy. It was bad enough that he didn't get the chance to save her keychain, and he made it worse by brushing off his word to buy her a new one and walking off like it was not a big deal. Had it not been her mentioning amusement park, Wonwoo wouldn't have to deal with the chills he felt in his nerves right now. The effect left by the mention of amusement park was too strong that his friend, Soonyoung, had to ask him numerous times whether he was okay, for his face was almost as pale as the uniform he wore.

That, and the fact that he was a firm believer of lucky charm itself made him realize just how crucial the keychain was to her. Wonwoo had this friendship ring he and his friends bought for the sake of mere fun, but he took it as a serious matter. Maybe it was his suggestion, but good things came to him whenever he was with that ring.

With a pang of guilt in his heart, he was considering whether he should call her or not—for some reason, he had her numbers saved in his phone. He knew it wouldn't mean as much if he were to buy her a new keychain, but hey, a gentleman should make up for what he did wrong, right? A few seconds later, he already clicked the green dial sign and quickly placed the phone to his ear.

It took her quite long to pick up the phone, causing the beep sounds ringing in his ear. At this point, the beep sound was matching to his heartbeat and it wasn't even because he was nervous. Usually, talking to someone he didn't know well would make him at least a little bit anxious, but this time it seemed that he was more anxious to see if she was mad at him.

"Hello?" the sound from across the line made his heart jump, bringing him back from his thoughts to reality. "Who is this?"

"Hello, it's Wonwoo," he answered right away, causing his voice to sound raspy.

Silence for a moment and Wonwoo thought the line was cut off until Yiseul made some awkward noises. He then realized it was him who needed to explain things since she didn't have anything to say. "Um, Yiseul, I really wanted to apologize about today. You know, I just walked off like that, I didn't mean to be rude, I'm sorry."

"Oh it's fine," she said, sounding quite baffled because she just was.

"Also, about the keychain, your lucky charm, I was wondering if I could make it up to you somehow," he trailed off. There was a chance that Yiseul would think of him weirdly, but let's just think positively and hope that she wouldn't.

She didn't say anything which made him consider if he should hang up. "It wasn't your fault, though."

"I just feel that it's my responsibility," he said, making her chuckle and somewhat putting his nerves at ease.

"If you insist," she replied. "We'll talk about this tomorrow, then?"

A smile appeared in his face as he breathed out in relief. "Okay then, goodbye, I guess?"

"Yeah, bye."


The next day, Yiseul was determined to meet Wonwoo and set things straight. She was fully armed with her courage to return the money he used to buy her food and to tell him that he didn't even need to buy her a new keychain for her good luck. Last night, when he called to inform her that he was going to make it up to her, she was forced to say yes just because he insisted. It was going to be easier to tell him in person that it wasn't his fault to begin with, so he didn't need to feel burdened or whatsoever.

She had already told Daeun to go home first since she would wait for Wonwoo. It would take him quite a long time to get out of the class just because he would chitchat with some of his friends, so Yiseul decided to wait in the main entrance. Her eyes swept through her surroundings and be it a coincidence or not, a group of people that happened to be Wonwoo and his friends walked toward her—or more likely the door she was nearby.

Wonwoo's eyes automatically widened to see her in his sight now. He looked at his friends and told them something she couldn't hear before coming to her. "Hey."

Yiseul gave him a slight smile, as she straightforwardly said, "I needed to talk to you."

Just before the two of them got the chance to say anything else, the hall suddenly became so crowded with whistles and shouts that Yiseul thought a colony of army just arrived when it was actually just Wonwoo's friends.

"Ya, I don't know what's going on between you two, but good luck!" the one with squishy cheeks, or Soonyoung who was also in the same class as them, shouted, making Yiseul furrowed her eyebrows together. Couldn't he be more of a gossip source?

"Whoa, look at that, I can't believe our Wonwoo hyung is the first to get a girl before any of us," it was the tallest one who shouted this time. She didn't even know his name, but all she knew that he was a junior, how could he be that cheeky? But yes, maybe Wonwoo is the first to get a girl because he isn't as annoying as you all.

Crap. She didn't just mentally say that, did she? Because she could feel her cheeks unreasonably heated. "Sunbae, your cheeks are—"

"Just go before I kick your ass," Wonwoo cut off one of his friends, but that didn't stop them from the non-stop teasing from afar which made her want to wrap herself in a blanket and never go out of her room for a week straight.

The two of them waited until his friends were far enough so they could talk comfortably. Though, even when they were almost reaching the main gate, Yiseul could still hear them laughing and teasing them. Why were they so childish, though?

She didn't even get why he was friends with them in the first place. It wasn't that they were that bad or as annoying as just now, she admitted they were cool, they were just probably the loudest people at school. Sometimes, when they were just normally talking, the whole school could hear them. Wonwoo, though, often was found reading in between the chaos. But he fit in so well, and she thought maybe opposites do attract.

"Sorry about that," he spoke up, distracting her from the thoughts that caused her a headache. "So, where do you buy that keychain from?"

Yiseul stay muted for a while, collecting the courage she had been saving as she breathed in. "Listen, I know your intention is good, but it wasn't your even fault, so you don't have to buy me a new one."

"It was partly my fault," he argued. "Besides, I just can't not buy you one after all the mess my friends caused."

Wonwoo laughed. His eyes curved nicely as his nose crinkled. Yiseul swore he looked cute, when he didn't shoot his infamous blank stare—which to her looked quite intimidating.

"If it helps you sleep at night, okay then," she nodded, trying to hide the smile that came out of nowhere. "But I don't think we can find it anywhere else besides the amusement park. It was a merchandise from there."

The boy in front of her, yet again, froze in his spot. His expression hardened and he formed his hands into a fist. He looked like he was about to walk off just like yesterday, but there seemed something that held him back. Yiseul swallowed the lump in her throat, regretting what she had just said. It seemed like something about amusement park triggered something in him. Whatever it was, it seemed pretty serious.

Yiseul felt like she needed to take action, but there was a chance that she might worsen the situation.

"We can try to look for it somewhere else first," he finally said, raising his eyebrows together as he pressed his lips together, forcing a smile.

"Oh, and here's the money from yesterday, you know the food you bought me. Thank you," Yiseul gave him a smile as she gave him the money which he accepted gladly.

"Let's go then," he asked cheerfully, causing a smile to grow in her face as they took off.


i hope everyone's liking this story so far, though it might be slowly updated cause i have so much stuffs going on irl ;-; have a great day anyways guys!

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