the night they met

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Jenna Harper hates large crowds. Small crowds where people aren't smushed together? She can handle that. But when she surprised her best friend, Lacey Russo, with tickets and backstage passes (It's Lacey's eighteenth birthday) to the Big Time Rush concert at the Staples Center in LA, she had no idea that they would be waiting for almost twenty minutes, sandwiched between other BTR fans as they wait to be let into the building. It doesn't really help that Lacey's apparently starving and is starting to get cranky. About five minutes ago, she snapped at some guy that cut in front of them. Lacey has some minor anger issues that she really should try to work on, but she refuses therapy because "therapy is for crazies."

"It's about time they let us in!" Lacey says as the crowd finally starts entering the building. She grabs Jenna's arm and starts dragging her inside, eager to see her "future husband", Logan Mitchell. Jenna isn't sure, but she's almost certain that Logan Mitchell will never date someone like Lacey. Isn't he the genius of the group? Lacey is one of those people that argues with teachers, gets detention at least once a month, and starts yelling in Spanish if you piss her off. She and Logan are total opposites, so there's no way that Logan would date her, let alone marry the girl.

"Wow, this place is crowded." Jenna says, looking around the building. There's a bunch of set ups with BTR merchandise, as well as places to buy snacks. Now they just need to get into that stadium. Jenna personally isn't a huge fan. The BTR boys are talented, but she doesn't have their CD and she has never joined a Big Time Rush fan club.

"Let's find out seats." Lacey says, dragging her into the stadium. Jenna looks at the stage, which has a runway extending into the audience. Well, those lucky enough to get floor seats. Jenna tried to get floor seats, but they were all taken up. So she had to settle for regular seats. Well, at least they're here. Besides, they're going to meet the guys after the show. "This is the best birthday present ever!"

"Try not to get too crazy." Jenna smiles, throwing her arm around Lacey's shoulders.

"No promises." Lacey smirks as the lights dim and smoke appears on the stage. Soon, lights start flashing and the band starts playing the tune to "Famous", one of Big Time Rush's hits.

Jenna was impressed with the show. The boys have good stage presence and they're really cute. Jenna likes the tall brunette with the cute smile. Um, James! Yeah, his name was James. He's really cute in person and she likes his new haircut. He use to have it kind of long, but it's in a shorter style now. Throughout the show, she found herself feeling strangely attracted to him.

Now they're standing at the end of the line backstage, waiting to actually talk to the guys. Honestly, Jenna wouldn't mind talking to James. She's pretty sure that she has developed a tiny crush on him, even though she has only heard one BTR song before tonight. It was the song that was all "It's the only life you got, so you gotta live it big time." She can't even remember the title.

"Hey, I can see them!" Lacey says happily, peeking into the small room. Jenna looks as well, smiling when she sees James. He seems really sweet as he talks to fans, shaking their hands and talking to them. When she got stuck reading Pop Tiger with Lacey during 1st period the other day, she learned that James is the "pretty boy" of the group. She has also heard that he can be a little on the self absorbed side, but he doesn't act like it. Of course, she doesn't know him, so she can't possibly know what he's really like.

Minutes pass and soon it's their turn. Lacey acts calm and collected as she talks to each of the guys, while watching them sign her CD.

James Diamond watches as Lacey talks to the other band members, while he checks out her cute friend. The brown haired and green eyed girl is dressed in jeans, a pink T shirt, and a strapless sky blue top over it. She seems like one of those sweet and shy types, which isn't the kind of girl that James normally dates. Yet he's staring at this girl and he's thinking about how much he wants to talk to her. Strangely enough, he's not sure what to say. She would probably never be interested in a guy like him and he probably won't ever see her again, but he desperately wants to talk to her.

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