Chapter 41: The Day They Made The Announcement

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"Are you gonna tell her?" Jenna asks, standing behind the couch and rubbing James's shoulders.

"Yeah." James says, looking at the phone in his hand. Tell Brooke Diamond that her son is getting married? Yeah, that's gonna be a little difficult. James is her little boy and she might be upset to hear that he's growing up. But he's gonna stand up to her. He loves Jenna and he wants to marry her. Last night, they couldn't sleep because they were so excited, so they talked about possible wedding ideas. They both like the idea of having an elegant wedding, but nothing too flashy. They're also considering a June wedding date. James hopes that their parents will be supportive of their decision. If Jenna's parents are concerned about college, they need to know that Jenna does plan on continuing her education.

"Hey, I'm gonna talk to the girls." Jenna says, kissing his cheek. She grabs her purse and walks out the door. James takes a deep breath as he continues looking at his phone. How is he suppose to tell his mom that he's engaged? When he and Jenna first started dating, she was completely consumed with Jenna's social status. She didn't think that Jenna was good enough for James. They're rich and Jenna's not rich, but she's not poor either. James doesn't care about her money, though. He loves her for who she is.

"I guess I better call her." He sighs. He stops when he hears a exasperated sigh from Kendall. Okay...James doesn't know what his problem is, but James really wants to know. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." Kendall lies.

James rolls his eyes as he stands up, turning to face Kendall, Carlos, and Logan. He knows that Kendall is lying. They've known each other since they were little kids! They know each other far too well. Kendall better not think that he can get away with lying to James because he can't. He obviously has a problem and James just wants to hear him say it.

"Yeah, there is something wrong." He argues. "You've been acting weird ever since I told you guys that I wanted to ask Jenna to marry me. Now that we're officially engaged, you guys are acting like I committed some crime!'

"James, it's not like that..." Logan tries to say.

"James, we just think that you're a little young to be getting married." Kendall says, trying to justify his behavior. James clenches his jaw, shaking his head.

"No, this isn't about me being too young!" He snaps. "You just can't stand to see me happy."

"That's not true!" Kendall says desperately.

"Well, whether you like it or not, Jenna and I are getting married." James says as he walks to the door. "You better hurry up and deal with it."

When James walks out of the apartment, Kendall groans in frustration. It's not that he doesn't want James to be happy! Deep down, Kendall knows that he's being a jerk about this whole thing. He just doesn't want to lose his best friend. James is like a brother to him, but that's gonna be over once James and Jenna get married. After the wedding, James will spend more time with his wife and less time with his friends. The thought breaks Kendall's heart. He shouldn't be thinking like that, but he doesn't know what he's suppose to do.

"What did you idiots do?" Katie asks them.

"James thinks that we don't care about his happiness." Carlos sighs. He's about to lose his fellow Hollywood Super Party King Of Hollywood, but he's not gonna stop James from getting married. Last night, Carlos lied awake, thinking about the upcoming wedding. And he thought about the past three years that James has spent with Jenna in his life. When he's with her, his face lights up. How could anyone not want them to get married? Carlos is gonna miss James, but he also cares about his friend's happiness.

"Okay, you may not want James to get married, but you wouldn't be very good friends if you didn't support him." Katie tells them.

"We know." Logan says quietly. He's trying to see both sides of the situation. Kendall, Carlos, and himself are afraid of seeing James grow up, while James and Jenna are really happy together. They can't stop James from getting married. Katie is right! What kind of friends would they be if they tried to stop one of the most important days of James's life? They would be mean people if they did that. True friends are always there for each other. Yeah, the thought of James getting married is frightening, but they can't change it.

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