Chapter 54: The Day Jo Returned To The Palm Woods

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Finally, Jo is home. After being in New Zealand for almost three years, they finally wrapped up filming for the Chauncey Jackson trilogy. As she looks up at the sign above the Palm Woods main entrance, she has to smile to herself. As fun as fiming the trilogy was, she is happy to be back in Los Angeles with her friends. She really looks forward to seeing Kendall. Since they got back together, the long distance thing has worked pretty well, but it definitely hasn't been easy. Now that she's home, they can have a normal relationship.

She walks to the front desk, noticing that Mr Bitters isn't behind his desk. He must be in his office. She hopes so, because she needs to get checked into her new apartment. Someone already got her old one, but that's okay because she's just happy to be here at all. Everything can finally go back normal. No more jealousy, no more fake dating, no breakups, no more drama. There's a lot to look forward to, like the birth of James and Jenna's little girl. Jenna is 35 weeks along, which means that she's only weeks away from her due date. Jo is just as excited as everyone else.

"Miss Taylor," Bitters says as he approaches the desk. "Welcome back to the Palm Woods."

"I'm glad to be back, Mr Bitters." Jo says, handing her drivers license to him. He enters her information into the computer, then hands her a room key.

"You will be staying in apartment 5L." He tells her. "Have a Palm Woods day."

Jo starts to carry her suitcases toward the elevator, when someone surprises her with a hug from behind. Yeah, she can guess who it is. Kendall is the only one that ever hugs her like that. Well, Dak also does it, but he's filming a movie in Vancouver (Canada). She turns around and finds that her guess was right. Her boyfriend looks eager to see her, which warms her heart. She loves knowing that her boyfriend is happy to see her.

"Hey, you're finally back!" He exclaims, kissing her.

"I'm back." She says proudly. "Wanna help me move into my new apartment?"

"You look like you've got a lot of stuff." Kendall says, looking at the suitcases. "Let me get a luggage cart."


A couple minutes later, Kendall returns with a luggage cart. He loads her luggage onto it and begins pushing the cart toward the elevator. Jo likes men that are helpful and not lazy. She has dated jerks before and she usually dumped them within the first two or three months. Kendall is the perfect guy for her. Sweet, attractive, funny, caring, and much more.

"Glad to be back in LA?" Kendall asks, pulling her back into a kiss.

"You have no idea." Jo says, relief in her voice. "New Zealand was freezing cold."

They kiss again, then leave the elevator. Jo unlocks the door to apartment 5L and walks inside with Kendall following close behind.

"How's Jenna doing?" She asks as she starts removing suitcases from the cart. Kendall grabs the heavy ones from her, sitting them against the wall.

"Eight months along." Kendall tells her. "She's cranky, bossy, emotional, demanding, obnoxious, crazy, yet James is still completely in love with her. I don't know how he can stand to be around the woman that eats everything in the fridge and cries when she doesn't get her favorite snack right away. I'm actually impressed, though. I thought he would have lost his mind by now."

"When you really love someone, nothing can ever change that." Jo tells him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "For example, you and I both have a tendency to get jealous, but that has never stopped us from loving each other."

"Good point." Kendall agrees, kissing his girlfriend. "I'm really glad you're back, Jo."

"You're gonna have lots of cute clothes to wear, Kenzie." Jenna says as she knees in front of Kenzie's dresser. They realized that MacKenzie is a pretty long name, so they're gonna call her Kenzie for short. Even when Jenna had her baby shower last week, all the girls shortened her name to Kenzie on the cards. The little princess got lots of cute clothes and toys to enjoy once she's born. Since James is at work, she's being a little sneaky and putting all the new items in the drawers and toy box. If James was here (He's at Babies R Us with Ms Knight), he would freak out and tell her that she isn't suppose to be kneeling.

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