Chapter 60: The Day James Started To Move On

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James looks at a four story apartment building with a slightly disgusted expression. It has been a week since they moved back to Grand Marais and Chris found this apartment complex yesterday. These are the only available apartments left in Grand Marais, but James isn't too pleased. It looks really run down and James is use to living in a nice and classy home. This is definitely not his kind of place, but he's just gonna have to deal with it. When Chris called him yesterday and told him about it, he told her to go ahead and rent it. In other words, it's officially their new home, so James has no choice.

"It's not so bad." Chris says, pulling him into the building. He cringes slightly, protectively holding Kenzie against his chest. He feels uncomfortable having this place as Kenzie's home. She deserves way better than this. He knows that, but it's not like they have any other options. His mom said that he could just live with her and she could help him pay any necessary expenses, but he doesn't want to sponge off his mom. That's why he needs to look for a job. He's thinking about getting a job at the supermarket where Kendall use to work.

Speaking of Kendall, the other three BTR guys haven't spoken to James all week. Ever since the day they got here, Kendall, Carlos, and Logan haven't came over, they haven't called, and they've only messaged him on Facebook and Scuttlebutter once. And all they said was "How's Kenzie doing?" James is starting to think that his friends are actually avoiding him. It hurts, but James can easily recognize when someone's just busy and when they're trying to stay as far away from him as possible. He knows what's happening. He lost Jenna and now he's losing his friends.

"Chris, this place is a dumpster!" He whispers harshly. Chris rolls her eyes and drags him into the elevator. Is she serious? There could be druggies and who knows what else around here! He's only doing this because he doesn't want his mom taking care of him and Kenzie. She already has enough on her plate with her cosmetics company, so she doesn't need the added pressure of caring for her twenty one year old son and his baby daughter. He's perfectly capable of living on his own and earning his own money.

"Do you wanna be homeless?" Chris asks him. That definitely shuts him up. This place is pretty rugged, but it's better than living on the streets. He should probably be grateful that they've even got a place.

"Aaah." Two week old Kenzie says, looking at Chris. James changes her position so that he's cradling her, placing a loving kiss on her cheek. She makes the cutest expression and James responds by kissing her cheek again. He looks at her green eyes, amazed at how much she looks like Jenna. His beautiful wife has been gone for two weeks and he still hasn't started feeling any better. He talks a little more now, but he still doesn't smile and he still breaks down at least once every day. He hasn't given her a hug or kissed her in two weeks. It's killing him.

"Jay, what's wrong?" Chris asks, touching his cheek.

"Nothing." James lies, quickly leaving the elevator when it opens. He turns left and walks down the hallway until they reach apartment 215. He steps aside and lets Chris unlock the door with her key, pushing it open. James slowly enters the apartment, gulping when he gets a good look at it. He misses the Palm Woods. He misses the Palm Woods, he misses every single one of his friends, he misses Rocque Records, he misses recording sessions, dance rehearsals, concers, and he even misses Gustavo. He doesn't like it here. He's scared.

"Are you sleepy?" He asks Kenzie. "I am."

"Your room is down the hall and to the right." Chris tells him. James carries Kenzie to the room that they will be sharing. According to Chris, this is an apartment for small families with young children. That's why there's a regular bed and a crib in James's room. James feels like convincing the guys to move back to LA with him so they can continue with the band, but he also knows that he needs to put Kenzie first. He doesn't need to be in a boy band when he has a baby daughter to care for. Eventually, he may return to LA, but he doesn't think it'll be happening for a while.

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