The Day They Meet Again

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James finally fell asleep after an hour of thinking about Jenna. Today is going to be another long day at Rocque Records, so it's a good thing that he did get some asleep. Big Time Rush's music producer, Gustavo Rocque, is adamant about his "dogs" getting enough sleep, so they can function properly during recording sessions and dance rehearsals. Gustavo is the reason that they're famous in the first place. They are all aware of this. After all, he does remind them almost every day. He makes it impossible for them to forget anything.

James looks at his reflection in his bedroom mirror. He already ate breakfast and now he has gotten dressed. He's wearing jeans, his lucky white V neck, and his favorite black leather jacket. In his opinion, he looks amazing. He's James Diamond, after all. He always looks good. Even when he goes to class, he makes sure that he looks good for the ladies. He's the "Face" of the group, so he refuses to go out in public looking anything less than perfect. He has a reputation and he refuses to let it be ruined.

Aside from being the best looking member of the band, he is also known for being a player. Since the BTR album was released, he has dated plenty of girls. Then he dumped them for whatever reason. So he's kind of a jerk, but he's not terrible. He has done nice things for other people. He doesn't remember, but he has helped people before. Like...Oh yeah! One time, he was dating this girl back in Minnesota and the ground was covered in snow. Anyway, they went on a date and she forgot her jacket at home, so he let her wear his. He can be a nice guy when he wants to be.

"James, what is taking you so long?" Kendall asks from the doorway. He rolls his eyes when he sees James running a comb through his hair. Kendall has known James since kindergarten and they are like brothers, but he wonders about James sometimes. James puts a lot of emphasis on how he looks, which Kendall doesn't understand at all. James is a good looking guy and he really doesn't need to try so hard. But Kendall isn't going to try convincing him otherwise. It would be a pointless attempt.

"I'm getting ready for work." James says nonchalantly, putting his comb in the pocket of his jacket. He follows Kendall out of the bedroom and finds Carlos and Logan waiting by the doorway. Both of them know what was taking him so long, so they don't even bother asking. Anyway, they all need to get to Rocque Records, so there is no time to question James's odd behavior.

They would say goodbye to Ms. Knight and Katie, but they went to the store. So the boys close the door behind them and race each other down the hallway, competing to see who can get to the elevator first.

The ride to Rocque Records is not very long. When the limo parks in front of the record company, the boys look out the window and see a small crowd of fans waiting for them. Since they're new to show business, they haven't had too many paparazzi or fans harrassing him, but that doesn't mean that they don't get noticed. On some days, they will come to Rocque Records and there will be a group of fans waiting for them. Before going inside, they'll sign a few autographs and take a few pictures before Freight Train drags them into the building.

They step out of the limo and greet the fans. James smiles at them and signs autographs, taking pictures with them and having short conversations with them. A couple minutes later, the door opens and the boys exchange a few hugs with the fans before following Freight Train inside. They walk down the hallway, which is full of posters of Gustavo's past projects. Boy Quake, Boys In The Attic, Angel Angel, and more.

"DOGS!" Gustavo barks. "In the studio! NOW!"

His assistant, Kelly Wainwright, hands each of them a song sheet, then they enter the recording booth. The song is called "Elevate" and Gustavo has been hard at work on it. He puts his heart and soul into each song that he writes. Even when he gets Writers Block, he doesn't give up until he finds the perfect title, the perfect lyrics, and the perfect melody. He may be a ravaging psychopath, but the boys look up to him because of his determination and his passion for music. Kendall, Carlos, and Logan don't understand why Gustavo and James don't get along any better than they do, since they are both so passionate about music.

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