Chapter 39: The Day That Friends Spent Time Together

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Jenna smiles as she bounces the baby boy on her lap. McKenna and Greg went to McKenna's photo shoot for Teen Vogue, so they left Tyler with their friends. Jenna, Camille, Lucy, and the guys take turns taking care of him. It's Jenna's turn and she loves it. Tyler is a sweet baby boy and spending time with him makes Jenna really look forward to motherhood. Having a baby is a big responsibility, but Jenna still wants to do it. She wants to wait until she's a little older, but she definitely wants to have a baby. And she thinks that James will be really good dad. She can imagine that their baby would be pretty cute. After all, James has some serious good looks.

"Do you wanna play with your rattle?" She asks, taking the toy from Tyler's diaper bag. She shakes it in front of his face and he smiles widely, laughing cutely. Jenna giggles and kisses his cheek, shaking the rattle again. Tyler's smile and laughter continue, providing Jenna with plenty of entertainment. Is it so wrong for her to want one of her own? Her parents don't want her getting married or having kids yet, but she's really looking forward to it. She may be young, but she's mature for her age. In a couple more years, she might be ready for marriage and motherhood.

"You're a cute little guy, aren't you?" She coos, stroking his cheek.

"Wow, you're good with kids." James says as he sits down. Everyone else is doing their own thing, so James and Jenna are all alone. They can enjoy some time with Baby Tyler, though. After all, they both love kids.

"Wanna hold him?" Jenna asks. James smiles as his girlfriend puts the baby on his lap. Tyler babbles and waves his arms. Everyone at the Palm Woods loves this little guy. Every time Greg and McKenna bring him out to the pool, everyone wants to hold him. Tyler seems to like every one, especially Carlos and Jenna. James is probably his third favorite person.

"What's making you so happy today?" He asks the little baby. A tiny squeak from Tyler makes James and Jenna laugh in amusement.

"Hey, let's take him down to the pool?" Jenna suggests.

"Yeah, I think he would enjoy that." James says as they stand up. He kisses Tyler's cheek, chuckling when the baby boy starts chewing on his fingers. They walk out of the apartment and down the hallway. They enter the elevator and James presses the lobby button, chuckling when Tyler grabs a few strands of his hair. It's not surprising. Kids loves James's hair! Of course, it's painful when the little ones grab it and pull it, but it's still pretty adorable. James doesn't mind as long as they don't pull his hair out.

"Tyler, look at the rattle!" He says, watching as Jenna shakes the rattle. Tyler giggles, causing James and Jenna to laugh as well.

"We're gonna enjoy a few hours by the awesome Palm Woods pool." Jenna coos, shaking his hand.

"Hey, rate every girl here on a scale from one to ten." Carlos tells Logan, earning a weird look from the Big Time Brain.

"I am not going to rate the girls." Logan says. "I have a girlfriend."

"The Jennifers all get a ten, Rachel gets a nine, Lucy gets a nine and a half, Jenna gets a nine and a half-"

"So the Jennifers are the only ones that get a ten?" Kendall asks him. When Carlos nods, Kendall shakes his head. Carlos has had a crush on the Jennifers ever since they moved to LA, but the crush went away when he and Stephanie started dating. Since Stephanie moved away, his obsession has returned. Part of Kendall wants to be annoyed, but there's a part of him that actually thinks that it's funny.

"Carlos, you're not normal, are you?" Camille asks him.

"Not really." Carlos shrugs. "Who are we to say what's normal?"

"Yeah, everyone's different." Camille mutters. She doesn't even see what's so great about the Jennifers. They're snobby, mean, selfish, and annoying. Camille doesn't like to judge people, but she has known the Jennifers for years. She has gotten a good glimpse at their true personalities, which are nowhere near as pretty as their faces. Carlos is so sweet, so it's hard to see why he's so attracted to these girls.

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