Chapter 37: The Day Of Rumors And Drama

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Jenna breathes a quiet sigh of relief as she puts her pencil down. She has officially finished all of her final exams. Now she can enjoy the next three months of summer without worrying about homework and tests. Family, friends, and James are all she has to think about until school starts again next year. It's gonna be a great summer full of excitement. She's gonna go to amusement parks, parties, and maybe she can plan a summer roadtrip for herself and her friends. It probably seems like she's getting a little hyper, but she has been studying so hard for the science final and how that it's over, she couldn't be happier. That's why she plans to celebrate!

She hands her science test to the professor, then grabs her book bag and walks out of the classroom. She walks down the stairs, out the door, and toward the dorm building. Lacey only had one exam today, so she's probably done. They're gonna drive to the Palm Woods and visit the guys for a while. Jenna really wants to see James, since she's been so busy with exams for the last three days. She's been so busy studying, so she hasn't been able to see him at all. When they talked on the phone, it was usually for a few minutes, then Jenna would always hang up.

When she arrives at her dorm, she sees that Gabby has left her door open. Some loud pop music is coming from the room, but Jenna just ignores the sound and pushes her own door open. Lacey is sitting in the bean bag, watching reruns of Pretty Little Liars. Jenna sits her book bag on her bed, then taps her friends shoulder. Sometimes Lacey gets distracted by the TV and doesn't notice when someone has entered the room.

"Hey, are we going to the Palm Woods?" Jenna asks.

"Yeah." Lacey yawns, turning the TV off. "Let's go."

The two girls turn all the lights off and leave the dorm, locking the door before heading to the elevator. Jenna presses the first floor button and patiently waits for the doors to open. Three days without seeing her adorable boyfriend? It's terrible! She and James are somewhat inseparable and when they have to be apart, it's hard for both of them. They're just really close and they're in love, so it's really not surprising that they can only enjoy so much time apart. That has become Lacey's reason for not having a serious boyfriend. She said that when two people fall in love, they have tendency to be really clingy.

"I have one more final tomorrow." She says as they step into the elevator.

"English is your best subject, though." Jenna reminds her friend.

"Whatever." Lacey mutters. "Hey, what are you and James gonna do today?"

Jenna smiles at the mention of her boyfriend. James David Diamond, the love of her life. She is so glad that she got Lacey tickets to that concert. If she hadn't, she would have never met James. He would still be just another rockstar in a band that her best friend is obsessed with. They're twenty years old and they're been together for two years and six months. It's safe to say that she's head over heels for that boy.


"Huh? Oh, we're probably gonna hang around 2J, but we might go to the pool later."

"Uh huh." Lacey says slowly.

The Palm Woods is pretty busy right now. Guests are checking in, some are lounging in the lobby and by the pool, and Mr Bitters is faking a smile for the guests. Jenna and Lacey stop by the pool area, peeking outside and frowning when they don't see the guys. They must be in the spartment, so the two girls walk toward the elevator. Jenna presses the second floor button and leans against the wall, dying to see her boyfriend. She's not clingy, but she and James always have fun together. They hate being apart for too long.

"How was your science exam?" Lacey asks her.

"Kinda hard, but not too bad." Jenna shrugs as they leave the elevator. Science is her weakest subject, so tests are always a little more challenging for her. But she has always managed to make a B in her science classes. Except for freshman year, when she ended up getting a C. That was a pretty big let down, but she got over it. Of course, her disappointment remained for a while.

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