Chapter 33: The Night They Went Home

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Last show of the Big Time Rush tour? It was crazy. Like, a good kind of crazy. The Canadian fans were loud and enthusiastic, just like a huge majority of the other cities that the guys visited. Some were louder than others, but they were all great. The meet and greets are also a lot of fun. That's what they're doing right now. At a meet and greet, they talk to fans, sign autographs, and take pictures. It's cool to meet fans and talk to them individually. Some are younger fans (Little kids), some are pre teens, some are teens, and there are even some adult fans.

It's almost over. James is currently signing an autograph for the last fan, an adorable seven year old girl named Hallie. She's a cute little girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a precious smile. If he and Jenna ever have a daughter, he can almost guarantee that she'll be beautiful. He's seeb some real cute little kids and he occasionally starts thinking about when he and Jenna might have a child of their own.

"It was nice meeting you." He says, hugging the little girl. He smiles and waves as she moves on to the other guys and Jennifer. You know, he doesn't know how Jennifer manages to make herself seem so likable to her fans. She acts like a diva when she's not in the public eye, yet she acts so sweet when she's in public. She signs autographs, takes pictures, and be really friendly. It's just annoying that she's so two faced. The way James acts for his fans? That's how he acts all the time. He doesn't change for the cameras. When people see him and his friends on camera, they're seeing who the guys really are.

As soon as this last fan leaves, they're all gonna go home. There's gonna be about twenty hours of driving, plus is gas and rest stops. They'll most likely be in Los Angeles later tomorrow or early the next morning. All James cares about is getting home and sleeping in his own comfy bed. The tour has been a lot of fun, but waking up in a different city every day can be exhausting. He really likes being at home, where everything is familiar. Besides, they all like being with their friends and family. It's weird being around people that they don't even know.

"That was the last one." Logan says tiredly.

"Now we can go back to LA." Carlos says in relief.

All four boys and Jennifer get out of their seats and walk to their dressing rooms to grab their stuff. James is about to start packing his stuff when he sees Jenna sleeping on the couch. He smiles softly as he sits on the edge of the couch, kissing her forehead. Instead of waking her up right away, he touches her cheek and stares at her sleeping face. One of the best parts of this tour was getting to spend so much time with her. He got to see her more than he usually does, which was really nice.

He kisses her cheek, smiling when she starts to wake up. She groans softly, slowly opening her eyes. Instead of speaking, she cups her hand over James's cheek, sighing when he puts his hand over hers. He kisses her nose, ignoring the eye rolls and annoyed sighs of his friends. He enjoys public displays of affection with his girl and he isn't about to stop.

"We're going home." He says, giving her a kiss.

"Yay!" Jenna says tiredly, sitting up. She gets off the couch and grabs her gym bag, which holds her iPod, cell phone, and a magazine. During the tour, she likes to take a few things to entertain herself if she's not watching the show. Sometimes she would get tired just standing up, so she would go to the dressing room and listen to music or read a magazine.

"How was your nap, Jenny Bear?" Kendall asks, ruffling her hair.

"What did I tell you about calling me Jenny Bear?" She asks him.

"It annoys you?"

"Exactly." Jenna says, wrapping her arm around James's waist. She looks at him and smiles, accepting a kiss from him. She squeezes his waist and rubs his back, watching as the other guys get their stuff. She yawns, eager to get on the bus. She's hoping that she and James might get to enjoy some cuddle time. They always enjoy cuddle time. They also look forward to playing some Wii games and watching movies. There's actually a lot of ways to entertain themselves until they finally arrive at their homes.

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