~ Playing Nice ~

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Chapter Five

Elena's POV

Elena wants to fight, she wants to scratch Damon's eyes right out of his skull. She doesn't, though. It wouldn't help her situation. She had wanted to scream as she saw Klaus attack Rebekah. Damon grabbed her so tight that she lost wind of her voice. It just came out as a whisper. Elena was gone before she could see what happened to Rebekah.

"She's okay?" Stefan asks as he rushes into the room.
"She's fine." Damon says as he pours himself a glass of something strong.
"I'm sorry, I will never let that happen again." Stefan says as he places his hands on Elena's shoulders. She doesn't want him to touch her. She wants him gone. She doesn't want to see his dough eyes.
"Where were you then? If you are so sorry, why weren't you there instead of Damon?" Elena asks as she jumps off the couch. She didn't actually care that much, she was just realizing that Damon was usually the one to save her.
"I was looking for you! He just got to you first." Stefan says defensively.
"I just realized something, Stefan. It is always Damon who saves me from whatever evil wants me." Elena says as she walks over and places her hand on Damon's chest.
"What did she do to you?" Stafan asks worriedly.
"She didn't do anything! She was nice." Elena says as she glares at Stefan.
"Look at those bruises on your arms." Stefan says as he stares at them.
"Here, take this." Damon says and before Elena can object, his bloody wrist is pressed up against her lips.
She sputters and shoves his wrist away, angrily, "That was you, you idiot! When you grabbed me so hard. I can deal with a few bruises." She yells as she wipes Damon's blood off her lips.
"You hurt her?" Stefan asks as his annoying macho side pops out.
"Oh shut up. You would have done the same thing." Elena says as she stomps towards the kitchen. She yanks some orange juice out of the fridge and drinks from the carton. Damon happened to mix rum and orange juice. It wasn't a bad combination and Elena needed to calm down before she gave away her secret.
"Do you know what is in that?" Damon asks as he leans in the doorway.
"I was there when you mixed it Damon." Elena says as she tries to keep her temper down.
"I'm starting to wonder if Rebekah compelled her." Stefan says as he joins Damon in the doorway.
"She didn't." Elena says as she marches past them.
"I am going home." Elena says as she walks towards the door. Before she can open the door, Stefan is in front of her, trying to un-compell her.
"Remember anything that Rebekah compelled you to forget." Stefan says as he stares into Elena's eyes. All Elena remembers is some point when Rebekah stole her chapstick, but that was before they left. Elena takes a deep breath, she knows she will have to fake it.
"Oh my god." Elena says as she pretends to remember something.
"Are you okay?" Stefan asks worriedly.
"I don't know." Elena says, forceing herself to keep a straight face as Stefan drags her into a hug.
"You're oay now. You're safe." Stefan says as if he is talking to a child.
"I think I am just going to walk home tonight." Elena says as she pushes herself from Stefan's hug.
"I'll walk with you." Stefan says quietly.
"No. I need some time alone." Elena says, getting back into her dead state of being.
"Are you sure?" Damon asks as if he actually cares.
"I'm sure guys, I can handle walking." Elena says with a small smile. She grabs a jacket from the coathanger. She always seemed to have one there. Lucky her, it was a long one. Good thing too, because she was in a small set of pajamas and she had no shoes on. She slips her arms into the jacket and steps outside, closing the door behind her. She couldn't beleive that the had fallen for that act. She was barely keeping it together. She doesn't make a sound as she walks from their driveway. She knows they are probably watching her like hawks. A swift glance back proves it. Stefan from the living room and Damon from his own room. Elena sigh and looks back at the road. They both thought she was looking back because she was extremely depressed and was looking to them for comfort. The heart sees what it wants to.

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