~ Don't Let Go ~

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Chapter Nine

Elena's POV

It's just after midnight and rain is pouring out of the clouds. The large drops hit the pavement, creating a small ripple. Elena can only stare emptily as she considers her options. She is already soaked, from her previous run. She had run from the hospital all the way to Niklaus' house. She had been so mad when she awoke. The boys were standing over her as if she was a present sent back to them. She had hated it. It only got worse when she realized who wasn't there. Matt. Kind and loving. He had always been so good to Elena. She feels ashamed and guilty as she thinks of him. Still in the truck. Still in the river. Elena bites her lip as her heart aches.
"Life isn't fair." She mumbles angrily before stepping into the rain.

The rain feels like hale on her skin as she walks on the paved road. She worries about being hit by a car, but then realizes that it wouldn't matter anyways. She swings her arms angrily. She is actually walking quite fast. Desperate to reach what must be some kind of release. Her eyes dark with anger and pain. The sweet chocolate that once was, is no more. Her strength has dwindled. She just can't take it. She is practically gripping the blade as she rushes down the road. Her blood slowly oozes out of the new cuts on her hand. She barely notices the pain as she throws a sideglance at the bridge. She can just barely see a figure in the distance. Probably someone looking for her. She wishes they would stop. She wishes the would just forget her. She only brings pain... Loss. Her brown hair clings to her face as she faces forwards yet again. Elena wants to scream. She wants to drop to her knees and scratch the assphault. She wants to growl and curse at the world.

Elena bites her lips and pushes forwards. She knows she must end it. One life isn't worth ten... right? Elena nods to herself as her feet collide with the soft grass. She had finally reached the forest.This is where it started. This is where all of it began. This is where she called her parents, and where she first met Damon. After that, everything went to hell. She isn't pointing fingers. She blames noone but herself.

Her small feet squish in the grass, causing water and dirt to push between her toes. She had lost her shoes in the river somehow. Her feet have been burning for a while now. She has been slapping the assphault, causing tiny cuts to open across the bottom of her feet. Of course, that doesn't matter. She won't be able to feel her feet soon enough. She fades farther into thought as she enters the forest. She tries to forget, but she can't. Matt's eyes keep popping into her memory. The way he looked at her. It was as if he knew it was coming. He expected it. He looked terrified as well. But what really got Elena, was the utter sadness. The gut wrenching, heartacheing sadness. The kind that was enough to drive Elena over the edge. It was the last straw. She just couldn't take it. She would rather pull her hair out, slowly. One at a time.

Still, there she is. Walking fast-paced through a dark forest. The rain is thick, even under the trees. A glance back and Elena can't see anything, really. The rain has gotten so thick that she can't see through it. She sighs and pushes tears from her eyes. She needs to get a bit deeper into the forest. She doesn't want to see the town behind her. She continues on, stumbleing over roots and nearly falling in holes. It gets so bad that she wonders if it is another way of toturing her. She decides that that is a ridiculous asumption.

She stops in a small clearing. A spot where the trees part just a bit, she wants to stare at the sky as she disappears into the Earth. She isn't sure where she is going, but she hopes it is a better place. She drops to her knees before turning and lying on her back. She stares at the sky for just a moment, daring herself to do it. She has never liked pain, but who does? She only barely sees the sky. There are barely any stars. Or maybe the rain is hiding them? It seemed to Elena that the rain had lightened a bit, maybe it was her imagination though. Elena closes her eyes. She is rushing herself, she knows. She wants it to be over, but at the same time, she doesn't. She doesn't feel ready to die. It just doesn't seem fair. She holds the blade above herself, it wasn't fair for Matt either. Or Vicki. Jenna. Alaric.

Elena watches as blood trickles down her wrist and up her forearm. She hadn't realized she had been holding the blade so tightly. She wipes her faces with the back of her hand, the rain has stopped, but her tears are still flowing fast. She takes a ragged breath and quickly moves the blade across her wrist. She barely feels the pain, but the blood makes her tears thicker. She shakely switches hands and runs the blade down her other wrist. She then tosses the blade into the dirt nearby. She hates the feeling, but doesn't everyone? Who would like the feeling of having an open wound on your wrists? She feels like if she moves her hands, her bones will peak out of the wound. The feeling is gross, as if something is flowing into her instead of out. She just wishes it would pass.

It is quite cold outside and after a while, she can barely feel anything. Her lips are dry and she feels weak. She is beginning to get frustrated, it is taking forever. She takes a deep breath and then quickly releases it, creating a thin cloud. She can see the stars now, thankfully. She smiles as she watches them twinkle. She would definitely miss that. There are a lot of things that she would miss. The thought only makes her tears thicker. Too bad because she had finally stopped crying. Now there are tears running into her hair. She attempts to wipe them away, but she realizes that she is to weak to even move.
Must be close.' She realizes as her eyelids grow heavy.

Elena slowly sinks into unconsciousness. She is completely oblivious to everything around her. That is until she realizes that there are footsteps coming her way. She listens closely as leaves crumble and twigs crack. She slowly opens her eyes. To her surprise, there is a familiar person standing in front of her. A blonde. She looks sad and worried. Elena watches as Rebekah walks around to Elena's side and lowers to her knees.
"Elena?" Rebekah asks worriedly. Elena opens her eyes farther and stares at Rebekah, "You barely have a heartbeat."
Elena watches as Rebekah bites her own wrist. Small tears are streaming from her beautiful blue eyes. Elena shakes her head and purses her lips, though it is a weak gesture.
"Yes." Rebekah argues as she pulls Elena's head into her lap.
"Rebekah.." Elena says says with a sore voice, "No. It isn't worth it..."
"YOU are worth it Elena." Rebekah snaps angrily. Elena never thought that she would here Rebekah say her name like that. Not in a way that is admirable.
"One life isn't worth the cost of ten, Rebekah." Elena says softly, hoping that Rebekah will just let her go.
"It isn't your fault Elena!" Rebekah practically screams. Elena watches with big eyes as Rebekah slowly unravels, "You aren't the one kiling everyone."
"I'm the reason they are dying." Elena argues slowly, but fiercly.
"No." Rebekah says matter-of-fact, "My brother is the reason.. and his idiot friends."
Elena sighs and closes her eyes. She won't let Rebekah save her.
"No Rebekah." She mutters tiredly. She closes her eyes again and lies still for a few minutes. Rebekah sits so quietly that Elena wonders if she left. She doesn't realise that Rebekah is staring at her wrists. Not with bloodlust, but with anger. She is mad that Elena thinks she should die. She is mad at what drove Elena to this conclusion. Rebekah wants to end Elena's pain, but she only seems to bring her more. She stares at Elena's face and as she stares at Elena's blue lips, she realizes something.

She can't let her go. Even if it means that Elena will hate her forever.

Elena's eyes snap open as Rebekah pushes her wrist to Elena's lips. Elena fights it. Glaring at Rebekah and screaming at her with closed lips.
"I don't care if you hate me Elena. I won't let you kill yourself." Rebekah says as she stares at Elena's angry eyes. Elena is to weak to fight any harder and Rebekah's wrist slips into her mouth. She instantly tastes the coppery blood. She tries to push it from her mouth, but it slides down her throat easily. Finally Rebekah releases her. Elena sputters and spits the blood out, but it is too late. She feels the deep cuts healing. She spins on Rebekah with a nasty glare.
"Why would you do that?!" She asks as tears begin flowing again, "They'll all forget me... Especially once people stop dying."
"I won't!" Rebekah yells as tears cascade down her cheeks. After those words she is gone. Elena watches as the leaves settle around where Rebekah had been sitting. Her eyes dart around on the ground, but she can't find the blade. She had to go home, covered in blood. She just hopes that no one is there.

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