~ Hiding From The Truth ~

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Chapter Seven

Elena's POV

Elena only stayed with Rebekah for an hour or two, she felt guilty to leave her there, but she didn't want to be caught by 'Klaus. She had already told him too much. She knew Rebekah hadn't wanted him to know that they were friends. Elena had wrongly thought that 'Klaus would undagger Rebkah if he thought that they had planned to come back. He left her. Elena was mad, but she wouldn't show it to 'Klaus. They had a good thing going and Elena wasn't ready to ruin it.

It went on the same way for a few weeks. Elena would walk to Niklaus' house on Wednesdays and leave on Thursdays. She would sneak into Nik's coffin room whenever she could, but it was rare; Niklaus would watch her like a hawk. She wondered if he was using the blood yet, or if he was saving it. She new he wouldn't trust her, they were too deep in the enemy lair for any trust to be built. It was just a temporary agreement. They were friends, but the friendship would break quite easily.

It wasn't until the fourth Wednesday that Stefan and Damon started to get suspicious. Elena had used the same excuse and Stefan had wanted to know who this friend was. Elena made and excuse, saying that she didn't think Stefan would like her. Stefan, of course, promised that he would. Elena, getting slightly aggravated, said that she didn't want Stefan to meet her. Stefan looked taken aback, but Elena just turned and continued to pack her overnight clothes. She hated hurting Stefan, but she needed him to hate her.
"By the way, that shirt looks dumb on you. It is way to tight!" Elena says as she gives Stefan an 'I'm better than you' look. His head jerks back in surpise and he furrows his brows.
"You are the one who told me I should get this shirt." Stefan says in amazement.
"I must have been having a bad day." Elena says as she widens her eyes.
"You were having a great day." Stefan says as he flops onto Elena's bed.
"How would you know?" Elena snaps as she shoves her hairbrush into the bag.
"You were extatic. Your smile was huge and you were practically flying." He says with a huff of breath.
"You see what you want to see." Elena says with a glare.
"Someone is feeling feisty." Damon says as he leans on the doorframe.
"Why are you two always in my room? Don't you have soemthing better to do with your lives?" Elena asks as she walks to the bathroom.
"Stefan is here because he is in love with you. I'm here because I need to have a little chat with Alaric." Damon says and his brows jump at the last part.
"If you were chatting with Alaric, then why are you here and not down stairs, with Alaric." Elena says as she grabs her toothbrush and shoves it into the bag.
"I thought I'd visit." Damon says as he takes his drink like a shot, "Obviously I shouldn't have."
"Obviously." Elena says as she walks over to the window and pushes her diary into her bag. Damon holds his hands in the air and backs out of the room before disappearing down the hall.
"What is up with you Elena?" Stefan asks as he sits up.
"What are you talking about?" Elena asks with a sigh as she opens her dresser drawers and begins to pull out some clothes.
"These past few weeks you have been angry. What happened Elena?" Stefan asks as he stops Elena by gently grabbing her hands.
Elena doesn't look at him as she takes a breath, "Maybe I am growing bitter from all the drama." She says as she stares at her bed sheets.
"There hasn't been any recently." Stefan says as he furrows his brows. Elena bites her lip as she realize that wasn't a fool proof answer, "Is it because you have no family here? Jeremy would gladly come back, especially now that Niklaus has stopped plotting."
"No." Elena says as her eyes flash towards Stefan's, "I'm glad Jeremy is gone. He doesn't need to be here."
"Then what is it Elena?" Stefan begs as Elena's eyes flash towards the carpet.
"I just..." Elena says as she stares at the floor.
"What?" Stefan asks as he pulls Elena's chin till she is forced to look into his eyes.
Elena stares into his eyes and she can't say anything. He is so good. How can she hurt him? Elena pulls away from him and grabs her bag before rushing towards the door, "Why can't you just love Katherine?" She mumbles as she leaves the room. She stomps down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. She reaches into the fridge, grabs the bottle and turns to find Alaric walking into the kitchen.

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