Spoiler warning

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For the book, or movie, The 5th Wave

There are spoilers...

You can turn back...


You'll be spoiled to the ending!

Okay I can't stop you...

I can stall you...

How are you?


Enough screwing around. I wanna rant...

So, The 5th Wave, an excellent story that I recommend to any young adult (being 13+ at least due to violence and language)

The ending...Evan Walker.......WHY!!!!!!! NUUUUUUUUU!!!!! YOU SON OF A BISCUIT! YOU DID NOT JUST DIE IN AN EXPLOSION!!! I REFUSE! YOU LOVED HER!!!! I THINK SHE LOVED YOU!! Now she's stuck with Ben Parish, which I suppose is fine...I mean, she had a crush on him for a long time, but...she liked Evan and I know Evan loved her...it would've been an amazing couple! The Other-human and the human together....AH!! I was so hoping he'd make it! ;^;

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