1. Favorite quote Probably one of these "Mocking me with your glitch bitch." -Antisepticeye "I hate bugs." -Saitama, One Punch Man "Who do you want me to be to you? A friend? A brother? A coach? ...a lover? Well then, I'll try my best." -Viktor Nikiforov, Yuri!!! On Ice "I don't need to go home! I'm already here!" -Antisepticeye
2. Cool random fact I'm a total band nerd, and I love it! I get all the band jokes, I play outside in the hot sun and freezing cold for marching band, and I'm proud to have been a proud member of band for almost 7 years. Here's to my last year. I hope to make it great! (I'm gonna miss band)
3. Last song you listened to Gasoline (Halsey)
4. Best app Wattpad and Amino
5. Biggest fear Spiders (ironically cause my favorite superhero is Spider-Man), bees, wasps, and snakes
6. Favorite emoji 💚
7. Three words to describe you Random, writer, artist
8. Coke or Pepsi Pepsi
9. Biggest pet peeve When people leave or lose the caps from pens or keep them clicked open. I swear everyone at my workplace does this and I'll go back behind them and close all the pens.
Also when people are too worried about whining over something being "offensive" to notice the world is falling apart or too dense and narrow-minded to see that the people who are different should be treated and looked at like they're a human being (referring to people hating on those in the LGBTQ+ community and/or other communities like that).
Not sure if I missed anything, but uh do it if you want. See ya
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