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I wrote this 2 years ago on Facebook

"Here's some words I think shall inspire some people who are afraid to leave the safety of their little shells, like I was.
1) Some people may try to put you down. Don't let them KEEP you down. It strengthens them and weakens you.
2) Don't be afraid to be who you are, even if it's not accepted by everyone.
If you don't already know, I am a brony. These were words that went through my head in my struggle to "face the embarrassing truth" and leave my shell. I'm glad I am doing so, because now I have more freedom to be who I am. Of course, some people will try and make me feel bad for liking a kids show, but so what! I am a human being, free to hold opinions, free to like what I choose. I may fall, but I will rise. I will not be anchored by the words of those who hate on me, and my people of the brony community. I hope my words help those of you who may be struggling through your own problems, and I hope you accept me as I come. Thank you friends and family that support me and love me for who I truly am! Love you all so much!"

I still believe in this to this day. Be who you are and don't be afraid of it!

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