This is the video this comment came from. I suggest watching it first so you know what's happening
I'm starting to think this generation can't be saved...
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It was completely uncalled for. Regardless of how one may think, regardless of your opinions, no one should talk like this to someone who was genuinely under a load of stress and likely fell into a depression because her art teachers didn't like her art, which was really good, mind you. No one should speak this way to people no matter what the situation.
My response, while it is long, was well worth the hour I put into it...
"I know that not everyone likes anime (or manga), but there's a difference between having an opinion, but excepting others and having an opinion, but trying to shut others down. Some people don't want to move out of their comfort zones. Some people like to watch anime and read manga, because it has better plot than the majority of TV shows that air today and has some better quality animation than a lot of shows nowadays. I'm sorry that the anime community and fans around the globe offend you, but what are we supposed to do about it? Give up our opinions, which we do have a right to have, mind you, to fuel your petty needs? Listen up, I don't care who you are, how old you are, or position of power you're in. Heck, you could be king/queen of the world for all I care, but if you think I'm going to let you put down fans of a genre of quality animation and story, and practically cuss us out for liking something that you don't, then you're dead wrong. I don't care what you say to me. I don't care how many times you try to drag me to the ground, cause I'll tell you something. I'm stronger than your words. I'm stronger than you in every aspect because I have a heart. A beating, caring heart that cares about everything and everyone in the universe. Even you. Even if you hurt me, I still want the best for you. If you tell me that I should die, then you want what little hope we have for this generation to die out as well. It's because of people like you that many people say society is going bad. The human race is seemingly made up of petty, whiny brats that cry and throw tantrums when they don't get what they want, whether it's a president or the extinction of "weebs" who actually did nothing wrong. Tell me, what harm has any "weeb" done to you? Has any of these anime fans really hurt you? No. Do any anime or manga artists hurt you? No. Do these animés and mangas harm you in anyway? No. The only thing keeping this world from being peaceful is stupid people who thing they are so superior over everyone else and that everything should think and feel the way they do because they are ultimately right and superior in every way imaginable.
Art? Oh I'm the best artist ever! Music? Please! I play Mozart in my sleep! Writing? I'm the new Shakespeare! Fashion? I own the runway! Business? I'm better than Carnegie could ever be! Intellect? Call me Einstein times infinity because I know the secrets of the universe! Be nice? What does nice mean? Have a heart? What's a heart?
That accurately represents half the world's population. They think they excel and are better than everyone else in everything, but when it comes to the little things that matter most, they seem to forget that they are just as important as intelligence and talent. It's one thing to brag, but it's a different ball game when you try to make yourself superior to every person on the planet.
I'm sorry you don't like your fellow human beings. I'm sorry you don't support the opinions we have the same way we support yours. I'm sorry you don't care at all about our well being just because we like, draw, and enjoy something you don't. I'm sorry that we are like this, but we can't change what we like, especially for such a reason as to just make you feel better. This generation and all the ones to come should really learn a thing or two about kindness. So you need to crack open a dictionary for once and look up the definition of kindness. Maybe you'll learn that we are humans just like you. We have brains and hearts and emotions. We are not rag dolls for you throw around while you cry about us anime fans "ruining everything". Now if you'll excuse me, I have an ANIME to watch, without you or any of your crap.
By the way...I think your mouth needs to apologize to your butt because your butt likely gets extremely jealous of the crap that comes out of your mouth 24/7.