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The next morning I woke up with an intense hangover. I held my head in pain as I drank the water Pj left for me. I couldn't really remember much of what I said I just remember being sad. 

As I left my room, I smelt pancakes. I loved Phil's pancakes he made them so moist and tasty. I skipped to the kitchen but I saw Liz there cooking while Phil watched her, sitting on the counter. 

"Morning Dan!" He happily said to me. I eyed her down with narrowed eyes. She had Phil's shirt on and messy hair. No bottoms. "Oh Liz had one of your Askeys." He informed me. He didn't laugh at the name like he would have. 

I glared at him then at her. By their comfortable clothes and happiness I think they... had sex. 

"I was hungry from what I thought were Phil's pancakes but now I realize the rat behind the pan is cooking and... I'm guessing they'll just be dry and bitter." I grabbed potato crisps and left to my room to edit the Dil video. 

Near the end when we were discussing just ending it there, I saw that Phil had been staring at me. Even when I turned to officially end it he was just watching me before frowning and continuing with me. 

It wasn't just a normal stare it was love eyes Lester. Like everyone always points out. I had to leave it there but I felt horrible for it. The fans would see and Phil would get upset especially with Liz. 

I made us in the small corner just so it wasn't noticeable and finally finished the video. I was proud of it but had to watch it through just to make small edits in case I forgot something.

Twenty five minutes later, I started the thumbnail. I didn't have Phil's skills but I got the hang of it over the years and made one that looks like a tired Phil had done it. 

When it was all ready to go, I left my room and went to find Phil in the lounge. 

"So I finished the video and I want to make sure the thumbnail is okay." I said as I went through the hall. When I entered, Liz was on his lap and they were making out. 

"Oh!" Phil pushed Liz away slightly causing her to giggle. "Yeah it's fine." He barely even looked at it. 

"Phil this is our job... we put so much effort into everything but now you're acting like you don't care. You know how long it took me to do all of this!?" My voice got louder as my anger increased. 

"Dan.. really it looks good. Just upload it." He looked at me. He just wanted me to leave so he could continue with Liz. 

I stormed back to my room and uploaded the video, shouting it out, then ignoring my phone/laptop until it was over. I was always scared of the judgement I could get from the fans but we really got none.

Without my devices I felt so lonely... well more than I already was. As I sat on my bed and tapped my fingers I thought a lot of what was going on with Phil and Liz. 

I was that friend trying to split them up for my own jealousy reasons. Maybe I really should lighten up. Phil is a great guy and I'm sure he deserves her. I need to let him be happy with someone else. Plus he is almost thirty... who else would he marry?

With a sigh, I walked out to the lounge to apologize and maybe hang out with them. I needed to try. For Phil. 

When I got there they were mid conversation for something I had no interest in. Curtain drapes. 

"I really like the blue lantern ones. I think it would look great here." She explains and touches our windows trying to imagine it. 

"I'll look it up so we can see where we could get some." Phil pulls out his phone. 

Uncertainty | Phan (Story One)Where stories live. Discover now