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oh god I'm so sorry

really bad smut coming up because I'M SO AWKWARD


After dinner, we did the dishes together and sang a song to pass the time. No girl drama anymore. 

"Hey I heard the new movie with Benedict Cumberbatch was out. Do you wanna watch it?" Phil skipped to the lounge as I followed in my onesie. 

"Yeah sure." I shrugged and sat next to him on the couch. 

Ever since I realized that my feelings were a lot deeper than I thought they were, I've been slightly awkward but Phil just thought it was because we haven't done something truly us in a while. 

"Do you want popcorn or something?" Phil asked as he set up his pillows. 

"I'm fine." I shook my head. 

"I'm going to get some. Go ahead and start it I'll be right out." He ran to the kitchen. I began the movie and got comfy on the couch with a blanket also using some of his pillows. 

He came back quickly just as the first scene popped up on screen with a huge bowl of the buttery snack. 

We sat in silence so focused on the movie. I began stealing some of his popcorn without him noticing. I was always great at this. He'd be like 'WOW I ate this whole bowl!' Nah I helped.

I reached in the same time he did making him jump. 

"Dangit Dan!" He chuckled. "That really scared me." He held his heart. "If you wanted some you could have asked." 

"Sorry." I chuckled and grabbed a handful then repositioned myself on the opposite side of the couch. I no longer payed attention to the movie and instead I watched him. 

With the handful of food, I chucked a piece at him. It landed in his hair but he didn't notice it. I snickered quietly not drawing attention to myself. 

I managed to get one piece back in the bowl. Another piece just beside him. Then I got one on his cheek. He jumped a little at the impact and looked at me with wide eyes. I shrugged, turning back to the movie. 

Once he turned back, I did it again. But this time as he stared at me I threw another piece right onto his nose. 

He slowly paused to movie then turned fully to me. 

"The game is on Danny." He smirked, speaking in a strange accent. I squeaked and ran away to the hall but not fast enough to get fully away from him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me back into the lounge. 

With the three pieces I had left, I flicked it at his face giggling slightly. 

He threw my body onto the couch and got over me, pinning my hands above my head so I couldn't fight back. I was completely okay with this.

I struggled a bit just so it seemed like I wasn't having the time of my life. He used his free hand to tickle me a little bit. 

This actually made me struggle to get away. I pushed his hand over and nailed him to the other side of the couch. Since I was on top now, I was supposed to do something like pour the popcorn on him or tickle back but all I could do was stare. I was frozen. 

"Dan?" He eased from laughter. "You alright?" He asked now a bit concerned.

Without a second to think, I leant down and kissed him quickly. But it only lasted a second as the moment I realized I just did that, I pulled away. 

He stared at me with wide eyes and a gaped mouth. He struggled to get his hands out of my grip. From then I was sure he would hate me. Push me away and scream at me. 

Uncertainty | Phan (Story One)Where stories live. Discover now