Part 3: McDarrel

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[A/N *Dedicated to @Limonade and her answers to my questions!*]

How to escape Saryna?

I could lie and tell her I need some fresh air, then make a dash for it?

I could jump out the window, and break my neck?

I could call a friend and ask them to save me?

I finally realize how slim my chances of escape are.

Could I hide it here in the apartment?

Could I tell her I need to go get medicine?

Could I-



"Yeah, Sar?"

"Come here! Someone wants to see you!"

What? Someone wants to see me?

"Tell them I'll be down in a minute!"

"Randolph, come on! I'm serious!"

"Well I'm using the restroom, if you'd really like to know!"


That booming sound was not a voice I had heard in a while, nor was it one I wanted to hear. Not at all.

He was here.

"Saryna! Hold on, I'm coming! You'll be okay, I promise!"

Again, another lie.

When will I learn to tell her the truth?

I slid down the banister, as that was faster, and spun around, running through the kitchen, into the living room, where I was greeted by two men with guns in front of me, and, as I heard the door slam shut behind me, I realized there were more men behind me.

I franctically searched for Saryna, thankfully finding her, sitting on the living room recliner, but with a gag in her mouth and a gun to her head as well.


"Shut up. Don't talk. Just listen." That booming voice with the deep Russian accent confronted me.

"Tylan McDarrel," I spat. "What the heck are you doing here?"

"I said DON'T TALK. You have done your girlfriend here enough harm already."

"What have you done my sis--"

"I SAID don't TALK, pretty boy! I have seen you with her she is NOT your sister. She is much closer to you than that."

"Why are you here, McDarrel? I thought you were put away for good."

"Let's just say I know a few people."

He walked over to Saryna, and softly carresed her face before slapping it.


McDarrel's men held me back, as I tried to get to him.

"Shh, little man. I only punished her because you wouldn't stop talking. You wouldn't want me to ruin such a...darling...little face, now, would you?"


I stopped as soon as he raised his hand again, and I cringed as he brought it down to slap me, but stopped a centimeter above my face. "Are you ready to be a good little boy now?"


"Alright, then let's talk about the REAL reason why I came."

"And what would that be? Money?"

"Oh, no. You know why I'm here," he said softly, and, as he got closer, he whispered, "the 'merchandise'."

[A/N: What was revealed in this chapter? His name is Randolph, or as Saryna calls him, Randy, and he called her Sar, which means they're close enough to have nicknames for each other.

Randolph said Saryna was his sister, but "Tylan McDarrel," this new bad guy, thinks she's his girlfriend.

What will happen next?

Will Sar and Randy be okay?

Will McDarrel find the "merchandise"?

What is the "merchandise"?

What are Sar and Randy to each other?

Find out in Part Four!]

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