Part 7: Half

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[ Dedicated to @Trin71401!

A/N: Last time in "Livin' on the Wild Side":]

 I practically ran to the bed, and got down on my hands and knees, crouching low to try to find it. Sure enough, there was a plastic bag.


Suddenly, Gray-Black Hair grabbed me as I screamed, and White Hair grabbed my feet, and they both carried me by my struggling arms and legs to a white van parked in the alleyway just outside the backyard with tinted windows.


[A/N Randolph's P.O.V.]

I woke up dizzy, tired, and in pain. I layed there for a minute or two in sheer confusion, then I realized what had happened. It was all coming back to me.




The 'merchandise'.

Come to think of it, where was Saryna?

I knew that the Henchies had locked her in her room, but had they left her there like that? How long had I been out? If she wasn't in her room, she'd have been here with me.

Something was horribly wrong. The plastic bag under the bed had a fake copy of the 'merchandise' that might have fooled McDarrel into thinking it was real, but I doubted that.

Sar. I had to find my girlfrie--I mean my so-called half-sister.

"Randolph, I love you but...I need to tell you something. You're my half brother. My dad married your mom, but you never knew about me because my mom hated me and forced me out of her house to live on the streets. Even your dad didn't know about me..."

I was so devastated when it happened, my girlfriend being my neglected long-lost half-sister. I thought she was playing some cruel joke on me, but I was wrong.

Very wrong.

[A/N McDarrel's P.O.V.]

The lying turdball! I oughta...wait...I have something to my advantage...the girl.

Who gives a flying fartknocker about the so-called promise of keeping her safe? She'll be my leverage. I know he told me the stuff in the bag was the real deal, but I could tell just by looking at it that he was a liar.

I order my henchman that is standing guard at the door to tell the others to collect her and get her in the van.

I leave a note on the refrigerator for when--if--Randolph comes to.

[A/N Saryna's P.O.V.]


Randy had told me, after the second time McDarrel came to our house, that if ever he took me, to stay where I was, not to cause any trouble, and that he would come and save me. I'm not sure I can do that.

I had taken a crash course in survival back in the spring when I was into camping. I could use that to my benefit.

Seeing as I was guarded by three henchmen in the trunk of the dark-windowed van and McDarrel and another henchie in the front, escaping from the car was no option.

Then I remembered something else Randy had said.

"Try to make friends with one or two of the henchmen to release tension, Sar. Make a few jokes, send a few flirtatious-but not too flirtatious, dear, looks their ways. Make them think you're on their side...I don't know, listen to whatever they say, appeal to their better sides, pretend you're ticked off at me for not telling you something or other."

How that would help me now, I couldn't figure out, since McDarrel would be able to hear me, and catch on straightaway. Where were we going anyways?

As we pulled up to a small rundown Cars-R-We, I shivered thinking this would probably be my captivation spot. But as McDarrel got out of the car, a scruffy man came to greet him from inside, looking mad. They fought for a minute, and a few punches were thrown. Finally, McDarrel got back in the car and we sped off.

After about thirty more minutes, we ended up at a big building that looked like a corporate business area. It was all fancy and decorative, with glass panels all down the sides of the round building. There were no signs depicting where we were or what the building was called, but there was a long, high fence surrounding it with "NO TRESPASSING" signs all over.

I had a bad feeling about this.

[A/N Yes, yes I had to. I had to tell you guys what they were to each other. Yup, half-siblings and ex-girlfriend/boyfriend. You can tell Randy still has feelings for Sar.

We now know that the stuff under the bed was no the actual 'merchandise', but fake.

1) What is it?

2) Does Saryna still have feelings for Randolph?

3) Who was the scruffy man at the "Cars-R-We"?

4) Where is Sar?

5) Will Randy save Sar, will she get out on her own, or will she stay there?

6) (Insert answer to random question about story here!)

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