Part 8: Izaleen

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[A/N Last time in "Livin' on the Wild Side:

"Randolph, I love you but...I need to tell you something. You're my half brother. My dad married your mom, but you never knew about me because my mom hated me and forced me out of her house to live on the streets. Even your dad didn't know about me...

Randolph's P.O.V.]

Shoot. What the heck did I just do?! I must have ticked him off, and he realized the fake was fake! He would no have left this go unnoticed, he'd have done take Saryna...that's it. That's why she wasn't here.

Oh. Crap. What did I do?

Thankfully, I gave her those survival lessons...I just don't think they'll be enough. Of course, McDarrell wouldn't do that, would he? I mean, he needs her as leverage! She must be okay...she must be...

Whatever you have to tell yourself.

Gah, my conscience must hate me! Of course she's fine!

If it helps you sleep at night.

"Shut up!"

Crap. Now I'm talking to myself!

I'll need to track him. Luckily, I haven't lost all of my knowledge and tracking skills from back hitman days. 

He couldn't have gone too far, as he'll need to come back to get the merchandise. As far as I know, McDarrel will stage a trade-Saryna for the merchandise. I'll need to be ready. Or he'll trade the merchandise for Saryna's safety, and not give her back. Either way, I have to be prepared.

[A/N McDarrel's P.O.V.]

Darn these security guys!

"I demand to enter! I am Agent McDarrel! Do you not recognize me?!"

"I'm sorry, sir, but you need an agent badge to be able to enter this building."

"Badge my butt! Let me in, gosh darnit!"

"Sir, please calm down."

"No! I will not calm down! I demand to speak with Agent Bern! Where is he?"

"Sir, I'll have you know I'm carrying a lethal weapon. If you do not calm-"

I pulled out my gun and said, "Let me see Agent Bern. Now. Or I will blast you to bits and put them together to make a new badge. Now. Where were we?"

The frightened security guy raised his hands and backed off a bit, then called up Agent Bern's office.

"Yes--yes sir, I know you're busy--but sir--but sir, you have a visitor--yes--yes, sir--an Agent McDarrel--well yes, but--but he didn't have his agent badge--oh, oh, I see sir--yes, right away, sir--goodbye, sir."

He looked at me, obviousy shaken. Good. I liked it when kids were told off.

"My sincerest apologies, Agent McDarrel. Please forgive the misunderstanding. Agent Bern will see you now."

"Yeah, I thought so."

I went through the glass doors, to the elevator, and then into his office.

"Sir, I have his girlfriend. I plan to use her against him."

"Do you mean to tell me that you failed AGAIN? After I specifically told you all I wanted was the 'merchandise'? Don't you ever listen?! I sent you to go get that encrypted disk, and you come back with a girl?! I don't have time for you to be wasting my time flirting! I need that disk!"

"All due respect sir, I am not flirting. She is my leverage against this son of a nutcracker to get the disk."

"You'd better be! We need to decrypt those files before he does! We cannot let the message be decoded by anyone else! If he gets a hold of Head Agent Izaleen's last words, her final, dying, informational words, he could bring us down in a heartbeat!"

"I know, sir, and I have every intention of getting it. But wherever it is, he doesn't want to give it up."

"I will give you one last chance before I go in and kill your former partner myself. Do you understand me? Do whatever it takes."


[A/N Yeahh I kind of owed it to you readers because I haven't updated in so long! Soo McDarrel and Randolph used to be old hitman partners, huh? And the 'merchandise' is a disk encrypted with a "Head Agent Izaleen" 's last words that are informational.

1. What is McDarrel's plan to use Saryna against Randolph?

2. What were 'Head Agent Izaleen' 's last words?

3. Who is Agent Bern?

4. Will Randolph find Saryna?

5. (Answer to random question about the story here)

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