Part 9: Cubicles

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[A/N Dedicated to my little cousin, @kyleallen903!

Last time in "Livin' on the Wild Side":

"We need to decrypt those files before he does! We cannot let the message be decoded by anyone else! If he gets a hold of Head Agent Izaleen's last words, her final, dying, informational words, he could bring us down in a heartbeat!"


I'll need to track him. Luckily, I haven't lost all of my knowledge and tracking skills from back hitman days. 

Saryna's P.O.V.]

I wonder if anyone knows I'm here... that S.O.S. I left in the gravel outside when they were taking me into the building won't do me any good if this place is infested with these creeps. It's dark. And cold. And McDarrel shoved me into his sock or something.


I'm shaken from my daydream and hear footsteps getting closer, and I try to keep from hypervenilating. I mean, what would they do to me? They certainly wouldn't hurt me, I'm their only leverage...right?

A door croaks open, and I'm blasted with light emanating from the bright hallway. I try to shield my eyes as someone grabs me and shoves a sack over my head, and tells me to stand up. I try to recompose myself as they shove me roughly outside the musty room. Good riddance.

As I'm pushed by my captor (whose face I had not yet gotten a glimpse of), I realize it's not McDarrel. This one's scrawnier and weaker, but still shoves me harshly forward with conifdence.

When I finally stop analyzing the guy, I realize we've stopped moving. I see a lot of light penetrating the thick sack. When I hear the birds, I decided I'm outside. I hear a car approach, and realize I'm being moved. But the car just passes by, and we start walking again. Suddenly, I feel a rush of cool air as I hear a door open, and once again I'm being forced through a building.

Finally, after some time, he turns me around and shoves me into a chair that I find disturbingly comfortable. The chair is spun around and the bag is taken off my head. It takes me a moment to gather my bearings. When I see I'm in an  office, my eyes widen. I expected this place to be like a secret drug operation or something, with cement floors and walls, and a bunch of buff, tatooed guys giving me death stares.

What I really see as I look around in awe is a rather office-like room. As I look through the windowed walls, I see office cubicles and desks and computers. There are people in business suits, but when I take a second glance, I see more. I see people with 'Casual Friday' clothes on, people in pajamas, and even people in...bodybags?!

[A/N Randolph's P.O.V.]

It's been a week and I still can't find the old headquarters. The brain-wipe they tried to use when I left the business was actually working a bit, though I was still following the tire tracks left by the van thaat McDarrel took Saryna in, and it's strating to all come back to me. As I walk, I see familiar landmarks, such as that old abandoned car store, which I believe I remember being a hideout for the drug lords who we worked with sometimes. The church on the corner of Dorothy Lane and Rahn Road. The bridge over Cossadaire River.

I'm coming for you, Saryna.

Those double-crossers will pay.

[A/N I'm so sorry I haven't updated for sooo long! Please forgive me, I've had a lot of stress and homework, but you probably don't want to hear me make excuses so...

1. Will Saryna be mad when she finds out Randolph used to be a hitman?

2. Will Randolph get his memory back and find Saryna?

3. Why are there bodybags at the office?

4. Who was Saryna's captor who took her to that office?

5. Will Saryna be safe?

6. (Answer to random question about the story)

7. Do you have a question for me?]

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