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[A/N Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in so long. I'm just not feeling this book anymore. It's not my normal type of writing style or anything. So I've decided to end it here and make an epilogue. Sorry. I might start this again some time later.

Three months later...

Saryna's P.O.V.]

I haven't thought about Randolph in what... two whole months now? I think maybe even's felt like years since I've seen his face, though I've been told it's best to forget than regret. The only reason I'm thinking about him is because of my mission. I just can't help it. After becoming the company's top agent, I can't think back to my old life.

I can't see his face in my head anymore because the only faces I can see are those of my victims, my coworkers, and myself. I wear a veil at all times, disguising me as an old lady, so as not to arouse suspicion. But now, I'm not sure I can  do this job. After becoming one of them, they informed me he was no longer looking for me...and I can't believe I trusted them.

I was on a walk outside the building last night. That's when I saw him. Watching the building through binoculars intently. It was kinda creepy, especially since he didn't seem to notice me. I should've killed him right then and there, but something was holding me was Randy.

Oh, how I wanted to fall at his feet right there and beg him to take me home...beg him to save me. But the hypnosis washed over me and I fought to go back inside, away from him. It was no use, my killer instincts took control and in moment I was holding him with a knife to his neck.

"Hello, Randy," I whispered, holding my hand over his mouth. "I see you've been looking for me. Stop." He started squirming, so I turned him around to look him in the eyes, and in that moment, my hypnosis failed, so I took the chance to run away, not looking back. It scared the h*ll out of me, but it worked.

Now I have to kill him.

[A/N Randolph's P.O.V.]

I-I saw her! I saw Saryna! She saw me! She touched me! I was so close! But then she told me to stop following her...and she ran off, back to the building...

My heart is broken. She's one of them now, and she was going to kill me. She had a knife to mmy neck. But now I realize that she must have been brainwashed, just like I saw many people were back i

my hitman days...I just can't bear to think of my Saryna as a killer! It's killing me! (See what I did there? ;P)

I came back home afterwards, having nothing to do. I've spent all of my time there for the past few months, waiting for the right moment, looking for her. I really need to get a life. But I can't get that look out my mind, the look she gave me when she turned me around to look at me, a look of being scared and helpless. A look that truly said, "Help me."

[A/N Bet you didn't see that coming! Boom! Saryna's gonna kill Randolph! Heheh...

Aaaanywhooo thank you for reading my shortish book whose name doesn't even make sense!!!!

I MIGHT just continue this book some time later if I get enough reads/comments/votes of what I already have! Thanks for being loyal, patient readers! Thanks for the answers to the questions, I sure had a fun time reading your predictions!

signing off, Ingenium Vatum]

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