Chapter 17: The devious plans of two siblings

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I awoke in the morning to find I was alone. Thoughts of last night rushed through my head. Sebastian coming into my room- me giving in, the feel of him inside of me. I shivered involuntarily as the last thought lingered. 'Will he ignore me now that I gave myself to him?' My thoughts were halted as I heard a knock at the door. Sebastian opened the door and stepped inside making sure to flip the latch. 'Why did he lock the door?' I blushed as many things came to mind as to why he had locked the door.

"Sleep well?" he asked with a smirk.

My cheeks turned to an even darker shade than what they had just seconds ago. 'Cocky, arrogant, son of a bitch.'

"Exceptionally well, In fact a ravenous beast came into my room last night and wore me out." I replied like the smartass I am.

His smirk widened at my comment and he glided over to me. He pushed me back down on the bed and kissed me softly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. 'God I'm going to hell...'

"The young master wanted me to awaken you and bring you to him. We have some... interesting business we have to attend to." He said breaking away from the kiss. "That being said, he didn't say when I had to bring you to him."

I giggled at the suggestive look in his eyes.

"No, I think I'm going to take a bath. Will you burn these?" I said gesturing to the bloodied sheets.

Sebastian chuckled but then nodded his head in agreement. I pushed him off of me and swung my legs off the side of the bed, only to wince in pain. Places I didn't know could be sore were aching due to the fact muscles I had never used before were stretched to their limit last night. I gasped as I tried stand up completely. The pain, only slightly, was getting worse. Ignoring my aching muscles I moved across the room and to my bathroom door that connected to my bedroom.

"Would you like me to get you some herbs to help with the soreness?" Sebastian whispered right next to my ear.

I jumped a little, but he had done that so many times before I just stopped squealing. I turned my body to face him, gazing into those deep crimson orbs. I nodded my head.

"Yeah that would be nice." I replied.

Sebastian disappeared within seconds and reappeared like he had never left. I watched him as he walked into the bathroom and flicked his wrist, making a steaming hot bath appear. 'Jesus...' He sprinkled little leaves into the water and swished them around- he then put his wrist to his mouth and bit into it.

My face shifted into one of confusion as he bit deeper into his wrist and then put his hand into the bath water.

"What are you doing?" I asked confusion laced throughout my voice.

He turned his body towards me and gave me his signature smirk.

"The herbs humans use are not really what I would call relaxing, so I am just simply... speeding up the process of the muscle relaxers." He replied amusement lining his facial features.

I gave him a questioning look before I strode over to the tub looking into the water. To my surprise it was clear, not a dark red I would expect it to be. Sebastian took his hand out of the water and flicked his wrist once more; the water bubbled for a second and then began to steam. 'Demons and their powers...'

"Thank you Sebastian." I said looking at him.

He chuckled when he realized I wanted him to leave so I could undress. I gave him another look as the amusement spread across his entire face. I was about to ask him what was so funny when he gestured for me to look down. I did and I blushed from embarrassment as I realized I wasn't wearing anything. I was nude. 'You idiot!!'

Dark smile and crimson eyes-A Sebastian Michaelis love storyWhere stories live. Discover now