Chapter 18: The fight of a life

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I just wanted to say that I am so incredably sorry about this late chapter and ask that you don't want to murder me after this..... Please enjoy and remember to comment and vote!

I have never actually been fond of any type of formal dance. I never saw the point in them; especially high school dances. The only reason students actually go to prom or homecoming, is for the after party. Teenagers will party at their local douche-bag Tyler's house, get plastered, probably do some fucked up drugs, and then afterwards a poor, sweet, little innocent virgin is no longer a virgin and was raped by said local douche-bag named Tyler.

The only difference between me and this poor kid, whose virginity was stolen from them, is that my demon came to the rescue and slaughtered local douche-bag Tyler- or Timothy in my case. Unfortunately for me my douche-bag is hard to kill. Hell he regenerated for Pete sakes!

So now here I am sitting in this very LONG and boring carriage ride to my favorite place in good o'l England. Timothy's country mansion. In all honesty I would prefer to be skinned alive by the all mighty Zeus, than have to be in a room even for a second with low life scum such as Timothy; but since I want to get rid of this annoying pain, I have to rain in my anger and put on a most wonderful act.

I need to be good enough to where even Sebastian would believe that nothing happened at the last social engagement I made an appearance at. Ha! Imagine that fooling a creature that tricks people for a liv-

"It would appear we have arrived Young Master, Lady Idris." Sebastian's voice announced from outside.

I took a quick glance out my window to check if we were at the same place we were when Sebastian and I had last been at a party, it wasn't. This was a mansion, not a vacation home; well according to Ciel the last house was his vacation home. The mansion was huge! Probably the same size if not larger than our esteemed Phantomhive manor.

It looked to have at least four levels; the outside was completed in grey brick and had marble pillars hoisting up a very large deck. The doors were magnificent; they had a swirling snake design that looked to be coiled around a large oak tree; not to mention the door was of course mahogany. Must have been a popular thing with the rich....

One thing that did stick out, however, was the winding vines that were gradually traveling up the mansion walls, almost as if he was trying to do a living wall. The vines are not what caught my attention though; it was the cattelya flowers that were growing on them. I was completely stunned by how gorgeous they were and instantly fell in love with them. 'Well at least two good things will come out of this trip...' I couldn't help the smirk that had forced its way through after that thought. Soon all our problems would be taken care of.

"Idris if you keep standing there we will leave you." Ciels monotonic voice called.

I looked toward the entrance and saw that Ciel and Sebastian were already halfway inside, leering down at me. I quickly turned away from the vines and moved as fast as his blasted dress would allow me too. When I finally got up the stairs Ciel offered me his arm, which I graciously took. 'Well here goes nothing.'

Ciel and I (with Sebastian in tow) walked toward the large open snaky doors. We stepped inside and an extremely attractive butler took Ciels coat and cane, followed by my shawl. I gave the butler a bright smile not noticing the glare Sebastian was giving the poor young man.

"Awe! There she is my lovely fiancée!" A very familiar and disgusting Irish voice basically screamed.

I looked in the direction of my utter disgust and saw a bright and cheery blonde, and blue eyed Timothy. I tried to keep the hatred off of my expression and instead put on the most fake, bright, god fearing smile I could. Even though I knew it was fake, people seemed to believe it was real because I heard a few hoots; along with some claps.

Dark smile and crimson eyes-A Sebastian Michaelis love storyWhere stories live. Discover now