Chapter 1.

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Samantha’s POV

Today my older brother (Alexander/Alex), older sister (Julia/Jules), and myself are moving but I don’t know where to, they won’t tell me. They say ‘It’s a surprise’ and it’s starting to piss me off right about now. My older siblings have been distant lately, not that I mind. Alex is 18, Jules is 17, and little ole me is 15. Alex and Jules are neither home but with their boyfriend and girlfriend. Alexander is dating Sophia and Julia is dating Matthew. I don’t mind at all but there is something that I just don’t get about them. Every now and then when I overhear something they say it’s usually something about mates and rouges. Ever since I was 13 I would hear things about this in conversations with some people. I don’t know if they know that I know that I heard them say these things but they never seem to question anything about those topics.

I also notice that when we go out somewhere the boys would always growl at any guy that even looks at their girlfriends. I don’t know why but there is something inside my gut that feels almost jealous of what they share. I don’t like the feeling because they are my brother and sister but another feeling is as if I will have that someday soon coming up, it sort of freaks me out.


I was walking in the hallway to my room when I hear Alexander, Sophia, Julia, and Matthew all talking in Alexander’s room.

“Alexander, what’s going to happen when she turns 16? She needs her mate when she goes through the change. We all know that you didn’t like the feeling and you would never want Sam to go through that. Would you?” Julia asks Alexander. I am so confused.

“I know Julia, I know. I don’t know what we can do. Maybe we can go and talk to Alpha Jake and see what he has to say. He might know what to do.” Alexander says nervously.

I am so confused. Mate? Alpha? What the hell are they talking about? This is werewolf stuff. And as far as I know, werewolves aren’t real. Are they? Then what do they mean? What are they talking about?


That day they came back to the house all worried and uneasy. But nothing was said as they made their way up to their rooms and closed their doors. I just sat there, on the couch, wondering, ‘What just happened?’ I just sat there staring blankly at the steps and then to the back door which leads to the forest. I never knew why we lived so close to the woods but we did, and now every now and then I will get these urges to go out to the forest. But Alex or Julia are usually there and one step ahead of me and I never get the chance to. But this time, there was nobody to stop me. So I got up, grabbed my sneakers and put them on, and then grabbed my jacket and put that on and then walked into the backyard.

As I walked into the forest I walked far but to the point to where, I could still see the house. I wanted to be able to get home so that they wouldn’t send out search parties to try and find me. That would be so sad and embarrassing for not just me but for them as well. I could so see it ‘Girl gets lost in forest. Found sleeping at a tree trunk. What was she thinking?’ Yeah not such a good picture.

So I stopped and sat down taking in the whole scenery around me. Out of nowhere I hear a twig snap, so I look all around thinking that this was all my imagination and that I should have never come out here alone. I mean everyone always tells me not to do it but the one time that I choose not to listen I am going to die. Maybe it’s just Alex or Julia.

“Guys come on. You don’t have to go as low as to scare me.” I said shakily not knowing if it was them or not. I just wanted to be safe and home again. I should have never come out here and right as I am about to die my brain realizes the mistake and now I want to go home. My instincts are telling to fight or flight and right now I want to take flight. Like a duck in hunting season.

I see something moving in the bushes that are not so far away from me and I start to shake and tears of fright are streaming out of my eyes. I let my eyes try and focus to the object and then I see it, a pair of stunning eyes, one as blue as the ocean and the other as green as the forest. For some reason they made me feel safe and it started to freak me out. The tears stopped as the wolf emerged from the bushes.

As the animal emerged from the woods I could see the body. It had to be at least 8ft. tall and long by at least 8ft. I might be exaggerating a little but you get the picture, little ole me standing next to this huge creature while its eyes are making me feel safe, it would creep anyone out, it’s fur was as black as night. I started to shake in fear and my eyes widened, with fright clear as day in them. The wolf had begun to whimper. Then he got onto his stomach and crawl over to me like that. I froze in shock and fear until the wolf was right in front of me, it then lied its huge head on my lap. When it did that I could feel sparks. I don’t know how to explain it but it just-it just felt so right. Like that was supposed to happen and like me and the wolf were meant to be.

“Hello li- big wolf. My name is Samantha, Samantha Sparrow.” The wolf looked at me and licked my face and I laughed. It grinned at me and I looked so creepy.

“Please don’t grin. You look so creepy when you do that.” I then shivered and the wolf barked/howled.

When he did that I would hear paws running. Not just one or two, but about five or six. I stilled my hand from running through the wolves’ fur and started to shake. My eyes glazed over and tears started to fall. The wolf growled and the sound of paws froze immediately. The tears still free flowing.

“I’m going die! I am going die! I should have listened to Alex and Julia.” I kept on repeating to myself. My legs were currently at my chest, arms wrapped around them and rocking back-and-forth. I was crying and the wolf was in front of me in a protective stance.
WAIT!!!! Protective stance? I only see this when my bro-

“Mate.” I whispered. Every movement in the forest froze. Not a sound was being made. The wolf turned around and…






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