45. what's left

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45. what’s left


Drew dropped me off just in front of my house.

       I grabbed my keys and unlocked door.

       “I’m home!” I raced to my room.

       “We need to talk!” I heard a voice downstairs, wishing he would just stop with all of these plot twists because it’s really starting to get annoying.

       I walked down the stairs clumsily, dragging every bit of my body.

       “Yeah?” uninterested, I tried guessing what I could find in the fridge.

       “I know this is kind of late and wasn’t thought of,” Dad said, “It’s gonna be big and I know it will take a lot of time and—“

       “--Okay, you’re making me nervous,”

       He raised his hand to stop me from interrupting.

       “I already asked a few people to help and I know this will turn out great—“

       My heart was beating and I was insanely not ready for any surprises right now. All I wanted to do was to jump on my bed and take a long ‘dad free’ nap.

       “Dad, just tell me,”

       “Are you sure, I didn’t want you—“

       “Just, please. I can handle this,”

       “I’m gonna marry your mother.. again,”

       Awkwardly, my foot reached the floor, “You’re what?”

       “I’m marrying her.”

       I didn’t know how to react.  There were no words for how shocked and happy I am at the same time.  Mom and dad, getting married, again?  That’s just—

       “Crazy, I know,” like father like daughter, he finished my sentence.

       “It’s not crazy, dad. It’s love,” I said, although it was kind of cliché and stuff, “I’m with you,”

       “Do you think she’ll agree?”

       “If she agreed the first time, you know she’ll have to agree the second time,”

       He smiled nervously and I could tell that this was the first time he was going to do something beyond his league.  Something big that nobody would have ever guessed.  And I was so proud of him and how he changed from these past few months.  I thought he was never going to forgive mom for leaving, I thought he was never going to move on.  Someone might’ve spoken to him.  Because for all I know, he was starting to be the father I’ve never thought I’d be able to bring back.


After planning a day to propose, dad and I immediately drove off to the hospital.  As for this moment, my mom hasn’t had any idea whatsoever.  She might just be watching season three of FRIENDS whilst dad is on the ground, proposing.

       When we got to the parking area, I remembered the most important thing during proposals. 

       “Ring. Do you have a ring?” I asked.

       “A ring. You’re right. Yes and no,”

       “What do you mean yes and no?”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2013 ⏰

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