Chapter 8- What Next?

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~~Author's Note~~
You get a third chapter today because I'm bored! Anyways. What next...? I think these guys deserve an emotional vacation... Heh... That ain't gonna happen. Tears, drama, and heartbreak are all so much better! Am I right?



In our warm afterglow, we repositioned on the bed so we were laying down, entangled in each other's arms. With his face so close to mine, our noses only a few inches apart, I could feel his warm breath on my lips. Our hearts beat together, not quite in sync, like trying to create music together.

His eyes were closed, and he looked less pale than he normally did. There was a pink tinge in his cheeks and across his chest that made him look even cuter than I had ever seen him, which was saying something. He must've felt me staring, because his eyes opened, and he looked over at me without moving his head.

He gave me a tiny smile, and promptly closed his eyes again. I smirked, and reached over to wipe off his forehead and cheeks, which were covered in a thin layer of sweat. I didn't want to get all emotional, or make the situation weird, but I felt like I should say something to him.

"Thanks for... well, for trusting me enough for that..." I muttered, my face going even redder than it already was. His eyes twitched open, and he looked over at me once more. Another perfect smile graced his perfect lips.

"You're welcome." He murmured, and it took me a moment to realize he was being sincere. How... Adorable. There were so many things I wanted to say, but weren't things one would talk about after sex. What did people normally talk about in their afterglow?

I settled for asking, "You okay?" He gazed at me for the longest time, before actually realizing that I said something.

"Uh... Yeah." He said shortly. "And you?"

"Never better." He chuckled at the suggestive tone in my voice, and reached over to take my hand in his. His thin fingers interlocked with mine.

After a long while of simply laying there, staring at the ceiling, Komaeda said, "You should go shower off." I didn't want to get up. I was exhausted, and was still busy mulling over the fact that I was no longer a virgin, and neither was he. But I knew he was right.

I struggled to my feet, nearly falling back down, and shuffled over to my dresser to get pajamas. Once in the shower, the cold water soothed my muscles and the sound of the shower running soothed my nerves. The water ran over my skin like heavy rain, and as I watched it, a part of me wished I wasn't standing alone.

I dressed in sweats and a tee shirt, before going to find something for Komaeda to wear. We were about the same size, though he was a little taller and a little thinner, so I figured a pair of my old sweatpants and a tee shirt would do the trick. Imagining the way he would look wearing my clothes satisfied a part of me I couldn't quite name.

He was sitting upright when I got back to my bed. I tossed him the bundle of fabric, trying too keep my eyes on the northern hemisphere as I helped him to his feet. As he walked past me, his lips brushed my cheek with a touch so gentle I almost didn't feel it. The gesture was sweet, and made something in my chest melt a little.

I decided it would be best to switch out the sheets on my bed, seeing as they weren't exactly clean anymore. I had just finished putting the blankets back in their place, as I heard him walk over. I glanced up, and immediately noticed the dark expression on his face. I tried to take that seriously, but it was hard with his pale hair hanging in his eyes, still dripping.

"What's wrong?" I asked cautiously, gazing into his smoky blue eyes, searching for an answer.

He let out a breath, and muttered, "I'm worried."


"The trial." I felt a lump begin to form in the back of my throat, but I swallowed it down.

"We're gonna win." I stated with as much confidence as I could muster- which honestly wasn't much. He gave me a strange look, and a smile. Though I was glad he was calming down, I definitely noticed that the smile didn't reach his eyes.

"Of course you'd say that. You're always so hopeful about everything, aren't you?" I gave him a small smile, as I pulled the blankets back, and climbed underneath them. He hesitated, but came over once I beckoned him. I could feel warmth radiating off of him as he slid into bed next to me.

I scanned his expression, trying to get a read on how he was feeling. As I feared it would be, it was impossible. There was something cold about the look in his eyes, but deep down underneath his façade, I swore I could see what looked like fear.

"What're you looking at?" He asked, scooting closer to me. A grin appeared on his face. I chuckled, and brought the hand I wasn't laying on to his cheek.

"Your eyes." His gaze fell from my face, and he struggled to form a response. After a moment he gave up, settling for placing a brief kiss on my lips. His expression was so cute. I rolled over, so I was facing away from him, hoping that he'd catch the drift, and do what I was asking him to.

He seemed to notice, and he wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I curled up against him, a few stray locks of his hair brushing against the back of my neck.

He nuzzled his face into my hair, as he murmured, "Goodnight, Hajime. Sleep well" I grinned, though he couldn't see it, as I said, "You too. 'Night, Komaeda." I drifted off to his steady heartbeat, and his nimble fingers tracing patterns on the back of my hand.

He Is My Diamond- A Hajime X Nagito / Hinata X Komaeda FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now