Chapter 39- Apple Cider With Friends

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~~Author's Note~~
You guys... This story officially has 100 votes, and 2,000 views. That's, like, a crazy amount! I'm so, so, so happy! I never thought this story would even be noticed, but here I am, with all of you amazing people who actually read my story!

Thank you so much, you all mean the world to me. I wrote this chapter with all of you in mind, because I wanted to give you something in return for what you've given me. This chapter is about 3000 words, as a sort of gift. Again, thank you so much. I can never say that enough.

The end is growing nearer. I have this chapter, two or three more, and an epilogue planned out. Don't hate me if the ending is unsatisfying. Also BRING TISSUES, the end may leave you feeling #triggered.

By the way, I finished that drawing for you. XD (Yes, it's Danisnotonfire, but more of a pastel/feminine version, which is kinda based off of Dan from Cuddle Buddy, by -sailingships )

I love you guys. <333



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I was awoken the next morning much too soon, to the sound of Monokuma's aggravating voice over the intercom. He sounded as irritable as I felt, as he snapped, "Everyone's gonna meet in the dining area in four hours. That's at noon. Don't be late." I felt like he got even more horrible and annoying as time went on. I rubbed my bleary eyes, genuinely feeling like I hadn't slept at all. I was so exhausted. I spent my entire night either staring at the ceiling, or tossing and turning from a horrible nightmare. I didn't know why I was having such awful dreams all of a sudden, but I got the feeling that they weren't going away any time in the future, and that I was going to have to learn to live with them. I turned my head, spotting a lump under the covers beside me. Tufts of blond hair were sticking out from underneath the duvet. A smile began toying at my chapped lips. "Good morning, love." I breathed, nudging the bump. He squirmed around, and let out a quiet noise of complaint. "Too early." He groaned, his voice muffled by the mountains of blankets and pillows surrounding him, creating a sort of nest around his frame. The main duvet rested comfortably over him, practically undisturbed. I tapped his shoulder again, but he was still refusing to get up. My stomach let out a soft growl, which Komaeda heard. He giggled in a cute manner. "Go get breakfast." He murmured, "I'll be here when you get back." I began rubbing circles into his back gently, smiling as he let out a soft breath. The smile only grew, as I realized that it was the first day of January. "Happy new year's." I whispered. He rolled over lazily, looking up at me with tired eyes. "You too." He said, reaching out. His nimble fingers landed on my neck, as my hand slowly found a place to rest on his side. I didn't argue, as he pulled me towards him, our lips clashing gently. We stayed like that for a few short moments, before he pulled away, eyes closed. I chuckled, tugging his body close to mine, so our chests were flush against each-other. "Happy birthday." He murmured. I was confused for a split second, but then I realized he was right. It was, indeed, my birthday, meaning I was officially eighteen. I planted a kiss on his forehead, making his cheeks go pink. I responded with a quiet, "Thank you." The world around us grew silent, and still. The only sound was Komaeda's soft breathing. The only motion was his thumb rubbing a spot under my eye. I gazed at him, positive that I'd never been happier to have him next to me. He made me feel complete. Komaeda gave me a strange look, and said, "I, uh, didn't get you anything. Sorry." I stared at him for a few moments, before realizing he was serious. A laugh burst past my lips, and his expression shifted to confusion. "What's so funny?" He asked defensively, his eyebrows furrowing like they do when he's upset. I tried to stop giggling, seeing as I didn't want to make him mad, but I just couldn't. I brought a shaky hand to his cheek. "Baby, you don't have to get my anything on my birthdays! Just being with you is more than enough!" I said, as my laughter finally began to taper off. I always hated it when people got me gifts, no matter what holiday it was. As sweet as I normally found the gesture to be, it made me feel guilty. I never wanted people to spend money on me, because I knew I wasn't worth it. I'd rather they spent the money on something for themselves! "Well, I want to get you something... Once we get back to Japan, remind me, okay?" Komaeda asked innocently, giving me a puppy dog look that I tried desperately to ignore. "No..." I complained, and since I couldn't manage to ignore him like I wanted, I did the next best thing. I grabbed a pillow, and unceremoniously whacked him in the face with it. He let out a squawk worthy of a penguin, followed by him yelping, "Hey!" I chuckled, and rolled over on top of him, holding the pillow lazily over his face. He managed to wrench the cushion from my grasp, and tossed it across the room. "No more of that." He said breathlessly, his cheeks flushed. He didn't seem to care that I was laying on top of him, basically pinning him down. I forced back a smirk, and glanced at his lips, before meeting his gaze. I felt his heart flutter- no, seriously, that's not just a cliché- and his eyes filled with want. I allowed my face to slowly fall closer to his, and just before our lips touched, I jabbed him in the sides with my fingers. He screeched, and shoved me off of him with more strength than I thought he had. "Quit bullying me!" He whined, but I was barely listening. My laughter echoed through the whole room, forcing Komaeda to smile, even though he was obviously very irritated with me. I started to apologize, but didn't get a chance. He flung himself at me, tickling my sides relentlessly. I squirmed uncomfortably, laughing against my will, but I knew he wasn't going to stop. When you start something, you have to be prepared to finish it. I learned that the hard way. "Stop, please!" I yelped through giggles, wriggling desperately, trying to escape his hands. Sadly, my pleas fell on deaf ears. By the time he decided to spare me, I was clutching at my sides, laughing so hard that I was in tears. He smirked with satisfaction as he pushed himself off of me. "Sorry." He said, in a way that told me he definitely wasn't sorry. I rolled my eyes. "Right. It's fine, I had it coming."
"You started it."
"Yeah, well, you finished it." A smile graced his beautiful lips, filling me with the sudden urge to kiss him. Having no reason to resist, I allowed my hand to drift to his neck, and pull him towards me, our lips meeting in a lazy, almost sloppy manner. "God, I hate you." He whispered against my lips, his tone playful enough that the words didn't sting. "Aww, I hate you too." I pulled back enough to see his face, simply admiring the fact that he was with me. How do you fall this hard into love in the span of a few short days? It would seem impossible to any sane person, but then again, neither of us were sane. If we were, we wouldn't have gotten along nearly as well. Our impish banter died down eventually, leaving us both lying on a bed of mussed up blankets, occasionally giggling for no apparent reason, just enjoying one-another's existence. I loved that feeling so much. It made me want to sing, and I don't like singing, so that just goes to show how different Komaeda was. He made me want to do things I never thought I'd do. He made me feel like a little kid again. Free, and spry, and- well, you get the idea. Basically, Komaeda's great. That's the point I was trying to get to. "We really should get up." He whispered, looking over to me with hesitance in his eyes. I scoffed. "You're the one who didn't want to get up in the first place!" We laid there for another second, before he sat up with a quiet grunt. I followed his example unhappily, still unsure as to why we couldn't sleep more. It's not like we didn't have time to spare. Komaeda glanced back at me, his eyebrows furrowed slightly. In a steady, yet gentle voice, he said, "We should talk to the others over breakfast. See how everyone's doing, you know?" I nodded, because I did know. Everyone was probably just as confused as us, to be honest. With the huge explosion at Monokuma Rock, and the unresolved murder of Chiaki, everyone was a little lost. Kind of like wandering children in a shopping center; we had no idea where we were going, or who we needed to be going there with, but we were hoping that we'd end up there eventually. I sighed, and stretched, my back popping. After we both dressed hastily, we made our way down the hallway, hand in hand, to a small dining area. Fuyuhiko and Ibuki were the only two people there. They were sitting across from each other at the table, both of them nursing a glass of what looked like beer, but I doubted they could've found alcohol on a boat full of teenagers. Monokuma wasn't nice enough for that. Komaeda cleared his throat softly, and squeezed my hand a little tighter. Fuyuhiko looked up to us, as Ibuki continued to swirl her straw in her drink. "Hey, you guys." He said, offering us a weak smile. I returned the gesture hesitantly. He looked exhausted, like he'd been too anxious to sleep at all. Ibuki honestly didn't seem any better. They both just looked worn out, and had mild burns across the bridges of their noses from the explosion on the island. My gaze flickered from Fuyuhiko's face to the glass in his hand. He noticed my curiosity, and asked, "You guys want some apple cider? It's not spiked, but..." I smirked, and bumped Komaeda with my hip, causing him to grin as well, showing off his adorable, pearly-white smile. "Sure." I said, dragging my diamond over to the table. I sat by Ibuki, across from Komaeda, and at an angle from Fuyuhiko. The latter took two empty cups from a cubby that was built into the wall, and poured an appropriate amount of cider into each. He slid one across the table to me, and handed Komaeda the other. "So, why are you up so early?" I asked, taking a sip of my drink cautiously. It wasn't half bad, but I'd had better, seeing as my mom used to work in a fruit orchard. At the beginning of every fall, she'd come home with two gallon jugs full of cider she and her coworkers had made. Each year, she'd have me test the new batch, and critique it. I'd always say the same thing; "It's really good, mom! You shouldn't change a thing!" And every year, she'd make it a teeny bit different, with a pinch more cinnamon, or a touch more apple concentrate. The taste of apples brought back some happy memories. Fuyuhiko chuckled bitterly, pulling me from my daze. "Who said I slept?" He asked, downing a cup of cider in one gulp. Ibuki let out a yawn that was worthy of a grizzly bear, and muttered, "Ibuki didn't sleep either. It was much easier to stay up with Kuzie!" I glanced at her skeptically, and then at Fuyuhiko, who didn't seem to have noticed the nickname she'd given him. I wanted to ask, but decided that I'd rather not know what they talked about last night. I was very aware of how dirty Ibuki's mind was. Fuyuhiko noticed my expression, and scowled as he poured himself another cup of cider. "We didn't do anything! We just talked about the explosion, and what we're going to do when we get home. Get your head outta the gutter!" He complained, his face suddenly going red. I chuckled, placing my hands on the table, and giving Komaeda a look that I knew he'd understand. His cool fingers reached across the table, and encased my own. Ibuki, having noticed us, had to cover her mouth to prevent a shocked spew of apple cider from escaping. She was smiling giddily, as she swallowed, so she could talk. "Ibuki likes! Ibuki likes very much!" She squealed, causing my diamond's face to redden a few shades. In a weak attempt to retain my pride, I grumbled, "Yeah, well, you liked Togami." Her expression shifted from excitement to rage in a split second. In a voice so deep, I could hardly believe it was her's, she growled, "Don't you dare tease me. Togami was gorgeous." I tried to take her seriously, but the voice was killing me. While biting my lip to stifle a laugh, I choked, "Sorry, Ibuki." She didn't seem to forgive me; she returned her attention to her glass, glaring sullenly at it as she swirled the liquid around with her straw once more, creating an apple flavored mini-hurricane. Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes, and waved his hand towards her in a dismissive manner. "So we're aware that Ibuki and I didn't sleep, and are tired as shit," He started, leaning forward in his seat, "but what about you guys? Did you manage to sneak a few hours of shut-eye in?" I nodded, giving Komaeda's hands a squeeze. He smirked, and gave me a playful look that made my heart flutter. I wanted to kiss him, but I didn't know if Ibuki could handle it. "I see that your hickey is finally fading." Fuyuhiko noted, and my face was suddenly flushed with heat. Ibuki looked up again at the word 'hickey,' a grin slowly forcing her lips to curve. "He's right, it's almost gone." She said, leaning on her hand with her elbow on the table. "Maybe Komaeda should take another go at it; he's got to claim you some way or another."
"Please stop talking." I muttered, lowering my head. Komaeda was laughing, somehow. He didn't seem even slightly embarrassed. Fuyuhiko chuckled, and let out a sigh. "Whatever, lovebirds." He muttered, and I promptly kicked his calf under the table. That one kick started a full-out footsie war; it wasn't even fair, because Ibuki started pulling my hair, and yanking on my tie, practically suffocating me. After a few long minutes of screeching, giggling, and arguing, I surrendered to Fuyuhiko and Ibuki, because my throat was starting to ache. I shoved my finger behind my tie, and wiggled it about until I could breathe again. "Thanks for almost killing me." I said, my tone rough and absolutely dripping with sarcasm. Ibuki just grinned evilly, and tucked a wild strand of black hair behind her ear. I felt a foot bump into mine, and almost got scared, fearful of another attack from Ibuki, until I realized it was Komaeda. I looked at him, confused. He smiled deviously, before he started to run his foot up my leg. I squeaked with sudden realization, causing everyone in the room to look at me like I was crazy. I shot Komaeda a look that screamed, "Stop before you reach the point of no return. I will kill." He decided to ignore me, and continued to drag his toes along my knee, to my inner thigh. Fuyuhiko watched with confused interest, like he didn't know what was going on, but he knew that it must be pretty entertaining by my expression. "Komaeda, I swear to god..." I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear, allowing my threat to trail off. He raised an eyebrow, but slowly removed his toes from the premises of my crotch. "Later." I mouthed, earning me a little giggle and a smile. I came to the conclusion that life hated me; I had a very sudden, very obvious, very confused hard-on. While I thought about my grandma, desperately trying to calm myself down, I listened in on the others' conversation. "Honestly, who would bomb an island full of innocent teenagers?" Komaeda asked, looking at the others intently, like he expected a decent answer. They seemed about as stumped as I felt. Ibuki scratched her head, gazing at the ceiling with a thoughtful look on her face. "Hm... The yakuzas?" She asked, causing Fuyuhiko to scoff. "I'm the head yakuza." He said, adjusting his pinstripe tie to emphasize his point. "And I certainly didn't bomb the island. I'm a murderer, not suicidal." Komaeda winced slightly at that last word, sending a pang of worry through me. I knew that life was rough for him sometimes, but I was hoping that I could help him. I wanted him to be safe. As if someone had flipped a light switch, an idea popped into my head. "Maybe they weren't trying to hurt us." I said, looking at the ultimate gangster. "Maybe they were trying to help us."
"How is a bomb helpful? Not to rain on your parade, Hajime, but that's kinda stupid." Fuyuhiko's tone was indifferent, as if my idea wasn't even worth considering. That made me kinda mad; I sat up a little straighter, and in a more confident tone, said, "Seriously. They didn't even set off the bomb until we were almost off the island. They even warned Monokuma that something was going to happen by cutting the power! Maybe they're good guys, and used the bomb to scare Monokuma into taking us home." Everyone seemed mildly impressed at my sudden outburst. Ibuki raised her perfectly plucked eyebrows, and murmured, "It's kinda hot when you stand up for yourself." Komaeda grinned along with her. "I agree." He said quietly, shooting me a sly grin. With a very subtle wink, he added, "Please, feel free to take charge more often." My face went bright red, I was aware of that, but I couldn't get distracted; I knew I was onto something. "Guys, come on. Does that sound plausible?" One by one, they nodded, looking at each-other to reassure that everyone was in agreement. "It's the best idea we've got." Fuyuhiko muttered, taking a deep swig of cider. Rather than agreeing with him, Komaeda smiled warmly, and murmured, "Well, I think it's genius."


The next chapter is soon! I'm on a roll this week. Love you guys, don't be a stranger! Leave me comments about what you think so far! I appreciate your opinions. <3


He Is My Diamond- A Hajime X Nagito / Hinata X Komaeda FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now