Chapter 32- Trials And Tribulations

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~~Author's Note~~
I'm sorry this chapter is late. I'm seriously not good with schedules. I was born a procrastinator.



A burst of questions suddenly filled the air around us, my own included in the sounds. He didn't answer any of them, though. He just silenced our voices with a harsh glare, and continued speaking. "Here's the deal, you guys. If you can solve the mystery of Chiaki's murder, and also uncover the truth behind your killing school trip on this island, I'll let you all go, apart from the killer. But if you can't find the killer, or you can't decipher the meaning behind our trip, then the killer will be the only one to go free, and the rest of you will die. Understand? Good." I expected another round of complaints and questions and useless screaming, but to my surprise, no one said a word. It was utterly silent. I noticed several anxious gazes examining the faces of what they used to call classmates, even friends, probably contemplating the same question that I was. "Who could be the killer?" Komaeda's sweet vocals broke the silence, caressing my eardrums with a soothing, familiar sound, that of his voice. Sonia took it upon herself to answer. "It could have been any of us... That's the issue."
"But there has to be some sort of evidence... Something that distinguishes who the killer is!" She shook her head insistently. "I know the crime scene well. I guarantee that whoever the killer was left no evidence." As they talked, I let my gaze drift to the faces of those around me. Ibuki was searching for her nose ring again. Soda was staring at Sonia as she talked to Komaeda, occasionally inserting a comment. Fuyuhiko was gazing into space, gently turning the promise ring on his finger, which Peko had apparently given him. Her corpse still wore an identical one, though her's was a bit larger. I noticed something- or, rather, someone- in that moment. It was Gundham. His expression was one of misery and heartbreak. His eyes were red, like he had been crying. What could possibly make a man like that cry? He only ever seemed to care about his hamsters, the Four Dark Devas of Destruction. Had Cham-P gone missing again? Before I could mention his expression, he noticed me staring, and immediately forced a smirk. I looked to the ground, but Komaeda had already caught me staring, and he seemed to notice the tear stains, too. He muttered a question to Gundham, too quiet for me to hear. Gundham responded, just as quiet. Komaeda took in a sharp breath, and his eyes widened. "Gundham... Are you sure...?"
"Yes. I'm afraid so." Gundham's gaze went from Komaeda, to Sonia. I watched with disbelief, as his eyes slowly filled with tears. He pulled his scarf up over his mouth, as he murmured, "I am sorry, my love... But... I simply cannot lie to them." Her eyes widened, as if struck with a sudden realization. "No, wait! Don't-"
"It was Sonia. She killed Chiaki." It was as if the world stopped. As if the universe was holding it's breath, waiting for everyone to process the information. My heart began to pound, my hands clenching into fists. Sonia killed Chiaki. She killed one of the only people who I truly cared about. She killed my best friend. My vision began going red around the edges, and before I knew what was happening, I was throwing my whole body weight at Sonia. She screamed, but before I reached her, something tugged harshly at the back of my collar, and I landed on my rear end. "Hey!" I yelled, as a strong pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders from behind, holding me down. I struggled, but the arms held me steadfast. I knew who it was, I could smell the cologne. "Komaeda, let me go!" I hollered, trying desperately to squirm my way out of his arms. "Calm down. I need to hear her out." He breathed, almost inaudible. I froze, and turned my head, so I could see his face. "Why?" I asked, staring at him incredulously. "She killed Chiaki, how can you even stand to look at her?!"
"Hajime, she hasn't even confessed yet. Give her a chance to defend herself. Please, just give her a chance." I didn't want to. I wanted to get this over with and go home. But... If Komaeda wanted to interrogate her, then I would restrain myself from attacking her, and let him do so. Because I trusted him.

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