Chapter 14- A Body Has Been Found!

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~~Author's Note~~

Trigger warning!! Don't read this if you suffer from depression or suicidal thoughts. Your life is more important than some dumb fanfiction. Honestly just don't read the rest of this is you're triggered by self-harm or death. But if you really want to, I will include trigger warnings before content of this nature.



I could still hear everything going on in the real world, I just couldn't see or move.

After a long silence, I heard Monokuma's voice say, "A body has been found! There will be a class trial soon, so please gather evidence and find out who the blackened is!" This snapped me out of my sleep. I looked over at the TV screen in the corner, with Monokuma's face on it. He grinned, and then it shut off.

My heart began to pound. Another body...? No...! It had to be fake, or a trick, or something!

"Komaeda! Wake up!" I said frantically, and he gave me an irritated look.

"What?" He asked grouchily. His angry expression melted into worry when he noticed the look on my own face.

"There's another body!" I said, "Another person is dead!" He stared at me. He looked confused.

"A... What?" He asked slowly, as if he couldn't believe what I had said.

"Another body." I whispered. I couldn't bring myself to speak any louder. His eyes widened as my words processed in his mind, and his hand flew to his neck, landing on the side with the scar. I gave him a concerned look.

"Are you okay?" I asked, worried by the vacant look in his eyes. He met my gaze, and a sob escaped his lips.

"No..." He choked, "No... I'm n-not..." He sat up shakily, almost falling off the couch.

"Komaeda, what's going on?" I asked, my heart racing. I was panicking. I needed to calm down. He turned to face me, tears streaming off his face.

I yanked him into my arms as he muttered, "I hate this so much..." It broke my heart to hear him say such things.

"Was the car accident that bad?" I asked. He pulled away, and gave me a confused look.

"W-what...? What accident?"

"The car accident, where you got that scar..." I trailed off, as the truth hit me like a bullet to the chest. "You were lying to me?" I asked with disbelief. He shuffled awkwardly in place. He seemed really uncomfortable all of a sudden. Tears were still streaming off his face.

"I..." He cleared his throat. "I think you should leave, Hajime." I gave him a long look.

"Komaeda. Tell me what happened."

"Please... Just go." He put his head in his hands. For the first time, I realized how much that scar on his neck looked like a cut from a knife. Then... I stopped dead in my tracks.

"No... You... You actually tried to-"
"Just go!" He yelled, and I stopped. Angry tears began to prick at my eyes. He looked up slowly, shaking his head.

"No, no, Hajime, please-" Without a word, I stood, and left the cottage, hot tears burning like fire as they ran down my cheeks. Each one hit the ground with the weight of an elephant, and each one tried to drag me down with it. I slammed the door behind me with all my might, actually cracking the framing around the door. I sat down on the steps, and put my head in my hands.

Why was he being such a jerk? It wasn't my fault he tried to do something so terrible to himself. I let out an angry sob, which helped to release the pressure in my throat a little bit.

"Why the long face, Hajime?" Monokuma asked brightly, having suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of me. I looked up at him.

"Nothing." He glanced from my face, to the sign on the door behind me.

"Oh. Relationship troubles?"

"... None of your business."

"Yikes! Someone's in a shitty mood. What did he say?" I glared at Monokuma, and he put his hands up.

He muttered, "Never mind, you grouch. I'll just leave then."

Before I could say anything else, he was gone. My fists clenched, and I punched the step out of frustration. I heard a crackle, and a hot pain shot up my arm.

"God damn it!" I held my hand to my chest. I expected someone to hear. But no one did. No one came.

I didn't want to be fighting with Komaeda. I wanted to be sleeping in his arms right now, without a care in the world. I wanted to tell him I loved him. I wanted to kiss him, without worrying about another dead body. I just wanted to be with him. I had to apologize. I stood shakily, and opened the door without knocking. What I saw sent me over the edge.

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