Chapter 29- He Knows Something

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~~Author's Note~~
I'm so sorry for not updating! Feel free to yell at me in the comments or whatever! Sorry!!!



"Can... Can you tell me something?" He asked suddenly. I felt nervousness begin to creep up my spine, at the unexpected question. "Sure." I responded slowly, giving him a skeptical look. He noticed my expression, and smiled, as he said, "It's nothing bad. I just wanted to know something." I silently urged him to continue. He blushed gently, his smile fading into a faint grimace, as he muttered, "Do you dislike being with me...?" In that moment, I felt my heart melt like chocolate on the dash of a car, which was sitting in the Nevada sun all day. "No, no... Love, of course I don't..." I crooned, cupping my hands softly around his cheeks. "How could you ever think that I do?" He pressed his face into my hand. He was leaning heavily on me, and his eyes were closed. His voice was shaky, as he muttered, "I dunno." He sounded on the verge of tears. Not knowing what to do, I pulled him into my arms, holding him carefully. I could hear how full of sadness my voice was, as I breathed, "Komaeda... I love you more than you could ever know..."  He hugged me back. His grasp was tight, and all traces of his former happiness were gone. I buried my face in his hair, catching faint traces of his cologne. The smell was comforting. I didn't want the moment to end, but I knew that we both needed to wash up, and one of us was going to have to switch out the sheets again. "You should go shower." I muttered, pulling away reluctantly. He didn't argue with me. He just gave me a little smile, and stood, hurrying off to the bathroom. I watched him go, before falling back onto the mattress. It creaked a complaint under my weight. The sudden shift in Komaeda's mood had me thinking. Why would he ask a question like that? How could he doubt something so simple? If I didn't want to be in a relationship in the first place, I wouldn't have led him on. Why would I have? After about a week of being on this dumb island, I began to notice Komaeda more. The way he talked, the way he frowned, even the way he smiled, but he only used to smile on rare occasion. He never really seemed happy before. I began to notice the little things about him, like his habit of chewing his fingernails when he was worried, or that his favorite color changed on a daily basis. A few weeks after that... I finally admitted- at least to myself- that I had a huge crush on Komaeda. I forced myself to my feet, and began pulling the soiled sheets hastily off of the bed. I used the old sheets to clean myself up a little, not wanting to get any bodily fluids on the fresh sheets. I re-made the bed, just tucking down the last corner of the duvet as Komaeda shuffled out of the bathroom. He hurried over to me- both of us were entirely naked- and picked up his clothes off of the floor. I watched him fold his pants and shirt, hang up his jacket, and pull on his boxers. I smiled at him, but he didn't return the expression. He looked upset about something, but I figured I'd ask him after I took a shower. I used the last of my favorite body wash, sadly, but I could probably get more at the market. Since I hated the feeling of day-old hair gel, I shampooed and conditioned my hair twice. When I walked out of the bathroom, wearing a towel around my waist, I immediately noticed Komaeda standing awkwardly by the foot of the bed. My clothes were folded neatly, and laying on the top of the mattress. I moved them to my dresser, except for the boxers, which I slipped on quickly. The bed was calling me, telling me to lay down. I didn't fight it. I was exhausted... I walked over to the mattress, laid down, and pulled the soft quilt over my shoulders. I felt the mattress shift, as my diamond climbed in next to me. I was facing away from him, but I could still feel his stare on my back. I rolled over lazily to look at him. "What's up, buttercup?" I asked, my voice rough. He gazed at me unhappily, the sadness in his eyes unbearable. Oh no. What now...? "Love..." I spoke again, my voice a little less shaky. "What's wrong?" He sighed quietly, obviously not in the mood to talk about it. I waited for nearly a minute, before he muttered, "Don't leave me."
"Wait, what?" Confusion washed over me. What did he mean by that? "Of course I won't. We have each other, Komaeda. That's a promise." He let out a short breath, and under the blankets, I felt him take one of my hands. The look on his face suggested that he knew something that I didn't, and that scared me, but he eased my worry by smiling gently. "Forget I said anything, sweetheart. It doesn't matter."
"It does to me." I insisted, urging him to tell me what was wrong. He just brushed off my comment, and leaned forward to kiss me quickly. As he pulled away, I could have sworn I saw tears in his eyes. When I blinked, though, they were gone. Maybe I was just imagining things. Probably. He released his grip on my hand, and instead pulled me against his chest. Just for the sake of it, I planted a light kiss on his collarbone. "I love you. Goodnight." I muttered, and I heard him chuckle quietly, as he held me a little closer. "Goodnight, my love. Sleep well."

He Is My Diamond- A Hajime X Nagito / Hinata X Komaeda FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now