Chapter 1

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Author's Note: Hey readers. I know I haven't written a fanfic in a LONG time, and I'm sorry about that. My computer wouldn't let me upload anything. But here is the new fic. This is my first Harry Potter fanfic and please leave any suggestions below. Remember, R&R and ENJOY!

Third Person POV

Lucius nervously paced his study awaiting the arrival of the Dark Lord and multiple followers who would be coming to Malfoy Manor in order to discuss the recent mistake Lucius had made. The Dark Lord was none to pleased to find out that one of his most loyal followers had failed in an extremely important mission. Narcissa sighed as she watched her husband nervously wringing her fingers. Draco sat upstairs reading one of his Defense Against the Dark Arts books. He never intended on becoming a Death Eater and he knew if anyone found out he was finding ways to get out of it, he was in deep trouble.

Back in the study, Lucius head the first of the Death Eaters arrive. Dropping his head and embracing Narcissa once, he left the room, his wife closely following. "Go and get Draco, Moxy," Narcissa whispered to a small house elf. The elf nodded once before disappearing with a pop. Moxy the elf quickly retrieved the young Malfoy heir stashing away his book in a secret place knowing it was not to be found. Before slipping down the long stairway, Draco glanced out the window at the silver, shimmering full moon. It gave him an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach as he trudged down to meet his parents.

"Mother. Father," Draco said respectfully as he approached going to their sides as more Death Eaters arrived all quietly mingling among one another. Everyone had arrived except for Voldemort, Greyback, and Bellatrix. It suddenly became eerily quiet and a cold gust of air greeted the Death Eaters. Voldemort and his last two followers stepped out of the fire place all spotlessly clean without a speck of dirt upon them. Every Death Eater bowed down as Voldemort smiled evilly upon his followers.

"Rise," he commanded strongly. Shuffling feet were heard as everyone got upon their feet. "Now," Voldemort continued. "I believe we have a certain matter to discuss," Voldemort drawled staring pointedly at Lucius. The man bowed his head shamefully. The Dark Lord chuckled. "Yes. Lucius Malfoy has failed to receive the prophecy that has come to my attention. The prophecy is now safely locked away at Hogwarts under the protection of Albus Dumbledore." A few people grumbled under their breath when Dumbledore was brought up. "So, I do believe punishment is in order, no?" A few Death Eaters nodded their heads while others let their gazes stay fixed on the marbled ground. "But we have a dilemma. You see, my followers, Lucius Malfoy is the one to be punished, but he seems to have a certain tolerance for harmful spells. Even Bellatrix's Cruciatus Curse." A few people raised their eye brows in surprise and awe. "Alas, we must come up with a better punishment. Luckily, I do not ask of your assistance." A few people lowered their raised hands. Voldemort chuckled dryly, "Now I would like to call up Mr. Draco Malfoy." The crowd shifted uneasily. Narcissa choked on a gasp.

"No," she whispered barely audible. "They can't take away my baby." Lucius wrapped a comforting arm around her and gave Draco a small nod and shove as the young teenager walked forward trying not to show his fear though he felt as though his knees would give out from underneath him because of how shaky they were.

"Now, now, Draco," the Dark Lord purred. " I believe that you will help me to punish your father." Draco didn't answer. He only hung his head trying to hide the fear, but defiance in his eyes. "So, I feel that you must have been a distraction to him. And with that in consideration, I should punish you too." Draco shivered slightly. "Bella." The maniac woman smiled happily as she went to the window. Greyback smiled ruthlessly when he could feel the full moon upon him.

"NO!" Narcissa yelped when she realized what would happen. "No, no, NO!" Lucius held back his struggling wife.

"Shut up, you ridiculous woman. This is your punishment. You will deal with it," the Dark Lord snapped. Narcissa's pale cheeks now held traces of tears as they steadily streamed down her face. Lucius's eyes were glossy as he fought to hold back tears as he prepared for his only heir to be changed. Fenrir slowly shifted until he was covered in rough grey fur. He looked murderous.

"Now don't run, Draco. He will only attack you more," Voldemort chuckled. Draco glanced at his parents taking in their apologetic looks. He ignored it as he prepared for what was to come. The Death Eaters all cleared away except for Draco who excepted his fate. Fenrir searched momentarily until his evil eyes trained on Draco. Draco gulped as he saw the werewolf growl and flash his sharp canines. Then, he lunged.

All Draco saw was a flurry of grey, red, and white as Fenrir leaped upon him. The werewolves sharp claws hit him first tearing at Draco's pale skin. Ripping open his chest, arms, legs, and face. A snarl erupted from his mouth as he snapped his mouth closed onto the boy's shoulder. The entire time, Draco screamed in pain as tears violently poured out. He was torn to shreds as the Dark Lord allowed Ferir Greyback to have a little fun with the Malfoy heir. And the whole time, Lucius and Narcissa watched their son being brutally attacked. Then a jet of light came from Voldemort's wand and Fenrir was stunned, sending him sprawling backwards.

Nobody had gotten a good look at the child while he was being attacked, but they could see him now. Narcissa shrieked in horror and tried to rush to her child's side. The boy's skin was ashen grey and his eyes were closed. His breathing was labored and hardly there. Open wounds let Draco's blood flow onto the marble floor. Nobody moved. Then, a small whimper mixed with a growl sprouted from Draco's mouth.

He felt his canine teeth changing into sharp, pointed figures that wouldn't hesitate to tear something apart. The sound of painful cracking was heard as the now conscious boy doubled over in pain as his bones readjusted themselves. New tears flowed as he began changing. It hurt Draco so badly he wished someone would end everything right then and there. Fur sprouted and his remaining clothing fell from his body as he transformed into a malicious beast. The full moon reflected on Draco's usually blue and grey eyes causing them to change into a pale, icy blue that seemed extremely dangerous. Then, Death Eaters began to applaud when they saw Draco struggle to his feet now a complete werewolf. They shot spells upon him making his already jumbled mind even more so. Then, Voldemort stopped everything and Draco Malfoy howled at the silvery moon that had changed his life forever.

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