Chapter 8

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Author's Note: Hi readers! Been able to update two days in a row this weekend. I am giving myself props. SO, I'm have some kind of a dilemma. I have some Sirius (You get it?) writers block. I will be able to pull something out, but hey. Please Please PLEASE! R&R and ENJOY!

Third Person POV

Silently cursing himself, Draco Malfoy headed to the Charms classroom  knowing full well that he would be late. He tried to slip into the classroom as silently as he could and searched for an empty seat. Coincidentally, that seat was next to the one and only Hermione Granger. Who was coincidentally sitting near the front of the classroom. Sighing in aggravation, Draco made his way to the seat.

"Mr. Malfoy would you care to explain why you are late to my class?" Professor Flitwick demanded.

"I lost track of time," Draco answered simply not caring if the teacher was satisfied with the answer or not.

"May I encourage you to be here on time from now on?" The Professor asked.

"You may. I might not listen, but you can tell me all you like," Draco snapped. Next to him, Hermione stifled on some laughter.

The Professor hmphed and said, "Detention with me. My office, 6 o'clock. Ms. Granger, you can join him for laughing." Everyone's jaw dropped. The teacher's pet, top of her class, brightest witch of her age had just received a detention. Draco's smirk quickly dropped when he remembered what tonight was.

"Professor," Draco said oddly polite. "I can't be at detention tonight." That was all he said as he nervously fingered the hem of his shirt. Hermione glanced at him worriedly.

"Why is that?" Professor Flitwick asked turning to the blonde boy.

"I have to," He was cut off by someone in the back.

"You have top go hide away in the Forbidden Forest because you are a filthy half-breed?" Ronald Weasley asked in a challenging tone. Draco's composure dropped for a moment before it quickly went back up.

"I have no idea what you are talking about Weasel," Draco glared kicking Hermione in the shin.

"Yes you do, Malfoy. You are a big, ferocious beast, you are. You were the victim of Ferir Greyback himself, you were. You did a bloody good job at hiding it. But we aren't all as daft as you think we are, Malfoy. So I think your changing into a werewolf is quite enough of a punishment," Ron spoke up. The students in the room were twice as shocked. Hermione had received a detention and Draco Malfoy was the werewolf.

"Ronald!" Hermione shrieked. Ron looked at her smugly.

"What?" He asked. "You can't expect me not to use that against him. He's made fun of me and my family for years, Hermione!" Ron argued helplessly. Draco still hadn't left the room. He had suspected the secret would have gotten out a while ago. So, all this did was alter things a little bit. Nothing he couldn't handle.

"You know, Ronald," Draco began. "I could spill loads of your secrets. The world knows you aren't rich. I just know more about you. But I choose not to use it against you. I'm not that cruel." Then, Draco stood up and left the room. Hermione sighed and followed. I already have detention, she thought to herself. Harry quickly followed his friend as well. The Charms classroom was dead silent.

"Well," Professor Flitwick began uncomfortably. "Class dismissed?" It was more of a question, but everyone got the message.

Meanwhile, Draco was sitting in a tree above the Black Lake reading a Muggle book called The Name of this Book is Secret. It was quite intriguing. (It really is a great series. I've read it like twelve times.) A great mystery.

"Draco," He heard below him. Looking down, he saw Hermione and Harry.

"I didn't know we were on a first name basis," Draco chuckled.

"Well, we are now. Are you okay?" Hermione asked.

"Yes. I knew everyone would find out eventually, it just took longer than I thought. O be honest, I was waiting for when Weasley would spill the beans," Draco said imitating a muggle saying. Hermione smiled a little. "What are you doing here, Potter?"

"I just followed 'Moine. Curious. That's all," Harry said eyeing the blonde.

"Your guys curiosity will kill you one day," Draco muttered before hopping out of the tree.

"So you are really a werewolf?" Harry asked.

"Right you are, Good Sir," Draco said sarcastically. "Hermione, may I speak to you?" Draco asked breaking a growing silence.

"Of course. Alone I presume?" Hermione said. Draco nodded.

"I'll take care of her for a few moments, Potter. Don't get your wand in a knot," Draco smirked before leading Hermione under the Quiditch bleachers. He took a deep breath. "Look, Hermione. This is probably going to sound rather strange, but first, thanks for telling Ron and Harry. That burden was getting too heavy to carry." Hermione smiled gently. "And the second thing," Draco trailed off a light pink covering his cheeks. Hermione chuckled and softly placed a hand on his cheek turning him toward her.

"You don't need to go on," Hermione whispered before she placed a tender kiss on Draco's soft lips. When they pulled away, Hermione backed away. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have," Draco cut her off with a kiss of his own.

"Don't go into that defensive mode, 'Mione. Your way to good to resort to that," Draco whispered. Hermione flushed looking at the ground. Draco placed her hand on his chest. Then, he got down onto one knee being ever so dramatic. "Miss Hermione Jean Granger, you have been invading my thoughts since you punched me back in third year. Would you do me the pleasure of being my girlfriend?" Draco asked.

"Well... I might have to... Oh who am I kidding. Of course I will be. I've liked you ever since you slammed your hands on that library table a few days ago," Hermione chuckled. "By the way, how did you know my middle name?"

"I have my sources," Draco smirked before pecking her lips once more and leading her back to Harry.

Dramione is official! I know, normally I don't write at the end, but I was excited not really. Pleases R&R and I hope you ENJOYED!

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