Chapter 10

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Author's Note: Hey Cookies. I am honestly, kinda bored of writing this and I have nothing to write about. So, this will be the last chapter. Sorry about me skipping parts. But, Here it is. Enjoy it! 

Third Person POV

It was the end of sixth year. Everyone knew that Draco was a werewolf. It was ignored. Nobody cared. As long as they were safe. Draco had found out about his mate. Which was obviously, Hermione.


Draco was sitting in the library, reading about werewolves. He still needed to learn more about his new self.

Werewolves typically have one mate. They will know rather quickly as well. They will feel a certain protectiveness over their mate. When the werewolf recognizes his mate, he will not find interest in any other mate...

Draco had mulled over this. Who was his mate. But honestly, he didn't know why he asked himself. He knew his mate. Without a second thought, actually. He had walked with Hermione after History of Magic to the courtyard. Hermione was rambling about how interesting the Second Goblin War was while Draco watched the students study on the grass. Suddenly, he cut off Hermione.

"Hey 'Mione?" Draco cut her off. Hermione glared weakly at him for stopping her rant. "Sorry. But I really don't care about the Second Goblin War. Anyways, I was reading in the Library, and I found out about werewolves having a mate." Hermione got a fluttery feeling in her stomach. She knew all about a werewolf's mate. "And I think- I think, Ugh!" Draco dropped his head in his hands.

"What is it, Dray?" Hermione asked putting a hand on Draco's shoulder, sending shivers down his spine.

"Ithinkyouaremymate," Draco rushed. Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"Say that again?" Hermione asked chuckling a little.

"I, I think you are my mate," Draco blushed looking down. Hermione smiled widely, excitement bubbling in her stomach. 'Yay yay yay yay YAY!' Hermione thought happily. Draco looked up and saw Hermione trying to stop smiling so big. "So..." Draco trailed off.

"I am absolutely okay with that!" Hermione laughed kissing Draco lightly on the lips.

"Oi! My eyes," Ron screeched from below the tree. Hermione laughed and Draco and her started toward the castle.

-Flashback Over-

Draco smiled softly. Hermione was curled against his chest sleeping. They were sitting in the compartment on the Hogwarts Express heading home. The year had passed quite well after everyone knew Draco was a werewolf. Houses were beginning to get along ever since the Gryffindor Princess and Slytherin Prince started dating.

"Draco, are you okay? You just started randomly smiling there," Ron asked smirking.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just remembering this past year," Draco replied twirling a piece of Hermione's hair in his finger.

"Yeah, okay. Whatever," Ron said and turned back to Harry and their conversation about Quidditch. Draco smirked. and rested his head on the back of the seat.

Three Years Later

Draco was sitting with Hermione at a muggle diner. "You actually eat this stuff?" Draco asked incredulously. "It's made by muggles!"

"Draco," Hermione said pointedly. "I grew up thinking I was muggle. Does your mother, a witch, make your food. Or only your House Elves?"

"Of course not, yeah," Draco said smirking. "I'm not used to these muggles yet."

""But I've brought you to this muggle community thousands of times, Draco," Hermione said raising an eyebrow.

"So?" Draco challenged. Hermione rolled her eyes. "You know my father isn't here to stop us right?"

"Yeah. Your mother is fantastic. I am sorry about your father, but at least we are together right?" Hermione asked grabbing his hand.

"Of course," Draco smiled.

Sixteen Years Later

They were on Platform 9 3/4. Ron, Lavender, Ginny, and Harry, had yet to arrive.

"Stay safe, Scorpius," Hermione said puling her son into a tight hug.

"Yeah, yeah. I know," Scorpius gave a signature Malfoy smirk.

"C'mon, Scorp. Listen to your mum," Draco told his son. Scorpius smiled and hugged his parents.

"Albus! Hugo! Rose! James," Scorpius said excitedly and hugged his friends.

"Hello, Ron, Lavender, Harry, Gin," Hermione greeted. Draco nodded stiffly. The train whistle blew as a warning. "You had better get on the train," Hermione said softly, hugging Scorpius one more time. Then they five friends hopped on the train as it left for their first year at Hogwarts.

"Don't forget to talk to Headmistress McGonagol, Scorp!" Hermione called.

"Especially with your furry little problem!" Harry called like his father would. Draco smacked him upside the head and the friends on the traian laughed and waved good-bye as the train headed to Hogwarts. The next generation. Even if one of them was not so pure-blooded.

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