Chapter 2

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Hello my dear readers! I am terribly sorry for not updating sooner. I've had a bit of a hectic week. Here is your next chapter. By the way, updates might come a little slower than normal. Sorry again. Please R&R, thanks for reading, and ENJOY!m

Third Person POV

The next months passed restlessly and uncomfortably for the Malfoy heir. Lucius had gotten the wolfsbane potion, but all it did was somewhat control the malicious beast that was now inside Draco Malfoy. Somehow, word had gotten to the Daily Prophet that a teenager had been bitten. It was not specific though. Draco had not left his room at all except for when the transformation took place. He went into the woods for that.

Scars laced their ways around Draco's pale body from the attack with Fenrir and from when he had torn himself apart with his claws at a full moon. Pale blonde hair was no longer slicked back or cut neatly. It was ruffled and rather long. Not Lucius's length, but more of a shaggy look. Old grey eyes that held authority and demand to be respected were now broken and tired. Dark circles were under Draco's eyes.

All day and night Draco sat in his black leather chair staring blankly into the constantly lit fire with undying embers. He rarely ate or spoke. Unfinished meals lay on trays and a few of Draco's favorite books were set on a bedside table beside him. He had aimlessly picked through the contents of his favorite parts. Draco's wand lay in its case untouched for two months. All he had done for two painful months was stare aimlessly into the fire thinking about nothing in particular.

His parents had become increasingly worried. Draco was so skinny you could almost see his ribs. But thanks to playing Quidditch he still had some meat on his bones. Narcissa had tried gently coaxing Draco out, but he hadn't responded. For the first time ever, Lucius wasn't worried about his family being pure-blooded. He tried anything and everything, but Draco would not respond.

"Draco," Narcissa's quiet voice said upon entering his room one late August evening. "I have your Hogwarts letter." Narcissa knelt in front of her child. For the first time in ages, Draco looked into his mother's eyes. She wanted to dissolve into a puddle of tears when she saw how broken her baby's eyes were. All of the pain that dwelled inside of them. Narcissa took one of her son's nimble hands into her own tracing a scar that had been mercilessly placed. "We should go to Diagon Alley tomorrow. " Draco merely nodded not wanting to leave the manor. Narcissa sighed and kissed her son on top of his head before leaving. And for the first time since he was bitten, Draco Malfoy cried.

Time Skip to Next Day

"Draco. Draco, wake up. We have to go to Diagon Alley," Lucius said lightly shaking his son. Draco groaned softly letting his eyes flutter open. Lucius wished his son would say something, but his hope diminished when Draco only nodded and stood up leaving his father to get dressed.

Draco sighed quietly and pulled on his black suit under his casual black robes. His bones cracked in protest as Draco moved. He used his wand to fix his hair before weakly heading downstairs. His parents were already eating. A plate lay out for Draco.

"It's a full moon tonight," Narcissa acknowledged as Draco sat down. The boy didn't respond but his parents could tell he was distressed. The transformation into a werewolf was excruciating and tiring. Every full moon Draco's temper seemed to flare as well.

"Bloody brilliant," Draco muttered surprising his parents. The rest of breakfast was silent and then the family flooed to Diagon Alley.

The streets were crowded with last minute shoppers before the school year. People caught up with friends once more and the Malfoy's walked prestigiously through the crowds.

"Go and get new robes, Draco," Lucius commanded. "I will get your potions ingredients and your mother will get your books." The family came to a simple understanding that nobody wanted to be at Diagon Alley currently and the sooner they could leave the better. They split up obeying Lucius's orders. He also headed to Knockturn Alley to pick up more wolfsbane.

Draco entered the robes shop and saw it was mostly empty except for the Golden Trio. Draco kept in a growl before ignoring them and walking to Madam Malkin. He didn't need to speak. The witch scurried off to grab robes she would quickly fit. To Draco's displeasure, the Trio had to come interrogate him.

"Malfoy," Ron drawled.

"Weasel," Draco replied trying to keep his temper in check.

"So we haven't heard of you at all. Trying to keep it all a secret that your family is working for the Dark Lord? Maybe you've been initiated?" Ron smirked.

"Leave him alone, Ron," Hermione sighed from behind him making her presence known.,

"I can fight my own battles, Granger," Draco snarled and Madam Malkin handed him his robes as he stalked out. Draco huffed irritably, stalking like the beast he was.

When he found his parents, Lucius recognized the irritated scowl his son wore and handed him the wolfsbane potion. Draco grabbed it and sucked it down when he tasted the vile potion. Shuddering, Draco could feel his racing heart settle down.

"Come, Draco. We need to get you home," Narcissa commanded softly. Draco nodded before apparating to his home with his parents. When he gazed up at the twilight sky, he grimaced and kissed his mother on the cheek before racing into the dark woods.

Sitting on a log, Draco rested his head on his hands wishing he could get the excruciating change over with. The wind whistled and Draco involuntarily shivered.

Draco stood and ran a hand through his platinum blonde hair. He walked through the silent, gloomy forest feeling the cool earth beneath his feet enjoying the crunching sound. He didn't know how long he walked, but eventually, the silvery glow of the moon shown down.

Draco quickly stripped off his robes unwilling to rip his clothing.

A silver lake shown in the sky sending tremors of fear through his body. Draco leaned against a tree breathing heavily as sweat began to form on his brow. Draco sucked in a breath and his legs began to shake. Draco moaned in agony. He then collapsed shaking viciously.

Draco screamed as his bones began to reform and change position. Tears streamed down the boys face, pleading for the change to be over with. Draco screamed again, this one filled with more pleading and desperation. He never liked to be weak, but this was one exception. Breathing heavily, he tried to fight the beast begging to take over. Draco had read that the more he fought, the worse the pain became. But he didn't care. He didn't want to be this. He never chose his fate. Anyone who chose to be a werewolf was mad. Finally, after several minutes, Draco was a werewolf.

He still had his stony grey eyes. His fur was a pale, almost white color. After the transformation, Draco lay there helplessly, his limbs still very weak. Of course after a while, Draco wouldn't be so weak, but this was how it was for now. Breathing heavily, Draco stood up shakily. Then, the beast took over.

He was a wild animal. Draco raced through the forest biting into anything and everything. When he got tired, Draco would rake his gleaming claws against his muscled chest. Bright red blood flowed from his wounds. Finally, he was to tired to continue. Draco collapsed under a tree and fell into a fitful sleep still in the mind of a beast.

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