Chapter 3

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Yello! New update y'all. I am very happy to have so many people reading this already, I think. This is also kind of a filler chapter. Not really important, but important all the same. Anyways, please R&R, thanks for reading, and ENJOY!

Third Person POV

Draco woke up with the sun in his eyes, blinding him from the early morning. Dew coated his chilled skin and he felt rather uncomfortable on the forest floor. Groaning, Draco stood up shaking. He wrapped his arms around himself as he trudged through the forest examining the damage he had left behind. Trees were ripped with jagged claw marks and various pieces of bark had been gnawed on. A few small animals lay scattered with vicious teeth markings in them. Draco sighed at the destruction wishing he could do something more. With a scowl, Draco wrapped himself in his robes he had stumbled across and trudged to the house.

When he entered, Draco saw that no one was awake. It was seven o' clock in the morning and it was September first. The day he left fro Hogwarts. Though Draco didn't like school or going, he was dreading this year. What would happen if someone found out? What would his friends think? Would they except him? Or would they shun him? Probably the latter. Draco shook the feeling and went to his bathroom and turned on the hot water. Steam filled the room and the water poured over his chilled skin washing away the blood and grime. After washing up, Draco got changed into a black suit and heaved his trunk down stairs. When he arrived in the kitchen, he saw his parents already there.

"Mother, Father," Draco murmured.

"Draco," Lucius began. "You know not to tell anyone, correct? Snape already knows, but nobody else. We can tell the Headmaster if you wish, but that is up to you. And telling your friends is your decision as well. Severus also will make you the wolfsbane potion when you need it." Draco nodded as he began to pick at his food. The meat quickly disappeared down Draco's throat, but the rest seemed unappetizing. Checking the clock, the family saw that it was ten. Draco stood up and went to the library before he had to leave.

He entered and sighed in relief at the cozy sight. A warm fire was lit and the black, velvet couches were extremely inviting. The darker brown wood that paneled the walls gave a kind of creepy vibe, but it was enjoyable none the same. Draco gulped in the sight of books lining the walls, some crammed into book shelves. Draco grabbed a ladder and climbed to the top reaching out to grab a potions book. He hungrily stared at the cover and hopped down before racing back to the front door to apparate to Platform 9 3/4.

The family arrived in less then a second and were quickly pulled into the crowd. Pushing their way to the edge of the crowd, the Malfoy's put their luggage down. Draco took in a shaky breath. Here he could not let his werewolf show. "Be careful, Draco." Narcissa whispered hugging her son.

"I will, Mum," he said. He turned to his Father and shook his hand. "Good-bye, Father." Lucius looked upon his son worriedly.

"You don't have to go..." Lucius trailed off slightly embarrassed. Draco chuckled.

"I want to go, Father. I'll write and see you at Christmas, okay?" Draco smiled shakily. Lucius nodded and Narcissa kissed Draco's cheek. Draco managed one last smile before boarding the scarlet red engine.

He searched for his best mate, Blaise, and eventually found his in a compartment with Crabbe, Goyle, and his girlfriend, Pansy. "Hey, Drake," Blaise greeted when he entered. Draco gave a tight nod.

"Hello, Drakey!" Pansy squealed and kissed Draco's cheek. "I haven't heard from you all summer," she pouted. Blaise rolled his eyes and Draco smirked.

"Sorry, Pans. I kind of got caught up with, stuff," Draco trailed off.

"Oh, it's alright," Pansy still frowned.

"So," Blaise broke the silence. "Did anyone hear about the kid who got bit by a werewolf? Rumor is he is in our year and at Hogwarts!" Blaise chuckled. "Feel kind of bad for the kid." Crabbe and Goyle were to dunderheaded to realize anything of course, but Pansy spoke up.

"Feel bad? I bet the kid is a beast. I bet he is a horrific beast!" Pansy shrieked scowling. Draco felt tears burning his eyes. Pansy indirectly just called him a beast. Well, there goes his hope that people would except him. Draco subtly wiped his eyes to keep the tears from leaking. He hoped for the action to go unnoticed, but of course, Blaise saw.

"Hey, uh, Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle? Can Draco and I talk for a minute?" When no one moved he added, "Alone." Pansy sighed but dragged the two beastly men from the compartment.

"Hey, Drake. What's wrong?" Braise asked completely unlike himself around others.

"N-Nothing," Draco muttered.

"Really?" Blaise rolled his eyes. "I won't believe that. First of all, you were crying, something you never do. And secondly, you just stuttered." Draco sighed and looked up, lone tears gently trickled.

"What's up. And don't try to lie. I'll be able to tell," Blaise said. Draco drew in a shaky breath.

"So you were just talking about that kid who got bitten. You said you would be okay with it, Pansy said the person was a beast. So according to her, I'm a horrific beast. I'm the werewolf, Blaise," Draco glanced at his friend. Blaise breathed out roughly, processing this information.

"Okay... okay. It's all good. Thank you for telling me. Would you mind me asking how?" Zabini asked.

"My Father needed to be punished. I got the punishment. The Dark Lord sent Fenrir after me. I got bitten," Draco said shortly. "But PLEASE don't tell anyone!" Draco quickly begged.

"I won't. This is your information and you asked me to keep it quiet. I will," Blaise said holding out his heand. Draco shook it smiling at his friend.

"Thanks, Blaise. A lot," Draco added.

"Anytime. Now. Where is that trolley?" Blaise and Draco laughed with each other. Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad.

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