Untitled Part 7

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Hello Fandom Enthusiasts that I am immediately going to apologize to because I haven't updated in other a week! I know. It's killing me too. But because of writers block and the fact that I cannot write in the coverage of my bedroom away from the prying eyes of my family, this has been slow. Any who, Please R&R and ENJOY!

Third Person POV

In his werewolf form, Draco's senses were greatly enhanced. So when he had changed that night with Blaise and Theodore, he smelled another familiar person lurking in the shadows. It was Hermione Granger. He could tell because of her certain brand of perfume and her cherry shampoo that he enjoyed the smell of so greatly and... WAIT! Why was he thinking of Hermione Granger, the filthy little mudblood, this way. She was below him, inferior to him. He was superior.

"Mr. Malfoy," a voice drawled in his ear. Snapping out of his thoughts, Draco glanced up and saw Professor Snape looming above him. "Mr. Malfoy I advise that in the future you pay attention instead of day dreaming about your current interests," Snape glared. Draco flushed but quickly covered it up. "I'd like to see you after class." The rest of the students 'oohed' and got a vicious glare thrown their way by Draco and Snape. Draco glanced at Hermione who was looking at him intently as if trying to unlock his secrets by just looking at him. He glared at her and she quickly looked away, a faint blush on her cheeks.

After the Potions lesson, Draco stayed behind with the Professor. "How many people have you told?" Snape demanded. Lucius had asked Snape to keep him posted.

"That depends," Draco said thoughtfully. "How many people have I told or how many know?"

"Both," Snape said raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I've told Theo and Blaise. Pansy figured it out for herself, and Granger snuck out last night to spy on me," Draco concluded. "I don't doubt some other know as well." Snape nodded.

"I advise that you also pay attention in my class from now on. Your father in unhappy as it is. I suggest you keep your grades up," Snape drawled. Draco gulped but nodded. "Good. You may go." Draco quickly left rushing to get to his next class on time. Snape was right. Lucius was rather furious that Draco was no longer pure blooded. The fact that he was a half breed didn't help.

After Transfiguration, Draco marched down the Hogwarts halls searching. He had told everyone else to go ahead because they had a free period now. Draco intended on busting this person before they told anyone else. Suddenly, Draco stopped short and mentally face palmed. Of course! He knew exactly where she was. Turning around, Draco stalked to the Library. There she was. Ms. Hermione Granger. The Gryffindor Princess with her nose shoved in a book, parchment scattered on the table as Hermione scribbled furiously. Quietly walking over, Draco stopped then slammed his hands down on the table, hurting his palms, but not showing it. Hermione jumped startled.

"Hello, Malfoy," Hermione said looking back at her book. "Can I help you?" She asked playing innocent.

"Yes you can you little Mudblood," Draco seethed.

"Why would I want to help a half breed?" Hermione shot back glaring and crossing her arms over her chest. Draco stumbled a little clearly surprised. He quickly hid his emotions. "I-I'm sorry! I don't know what got into me," Hermione apologized packing her books.

"You are not going anywhere just yet, Granger," Draco said pushing the brunette back into her chair. Hermione gulped. "Why did you follow me into the woods?"

"I was curious. I wanted to know who was the wolf," Hermione admitted.

"Then you had best put some reins on that curiosity because if I catch you lurking in my personal business again it will be the last time you ever look into something," Draco growled. "I expect Weasley and Potter know?" Hermione nodded feebly. Draco growled and stalked away. But before he left he called out, "Good come back. By the way, Granger." Then he left.

Hermione was shocked to say the least. Not only had her nemesis almost attacked her, but he had complimented her as well. He really did look good even when he was mad. He hair was softly hanging over his pale complexion which had gotten paler since last night. His nimble fingers had clenched into fists and when Hermione had called him a half breed, his shocked face was handsome as well. Hermione silently cursed herself for thinking this. This was Draco Malfoy she was talking about. The foul little git who had called her a mudblood and teased her and her friends for six years now.

Climbing the stairs to the Gryffindor tower, Hermione contemplated these things. When she arrived in the common room, it was empty except for Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas. Settling herself on the couch, Hermione began to do her homework once more. But she couldn't focus. All she could think about was the Slytherin Prince. Slamming her book shut, Hermione gathered her things and went to her room. Laying face down in her pillows, Hermione groaned loudly. was it possible she was falling for the Slytherin Prince?

After leaving Hermione, Draco had walked back to the Slytherin common room. He had successfully intimidated Hermione and was now thinking about her. The way she had shot back at him took a lot of courage and the way she had gotten in his face had been really hot. Then, she apologized and ruined it all. Draco silently wondered if what he had seen back there was the real Hermione Granger. Besides, he would be lying to say that the girl hadn't gotten better looking over the summer. Her bushy hair had somewhat tamed, but not really. She had cut it shorter. The brunette now had nice curves. The girl was becoming more attractive. Draco sighed. Was it possible he was falling for the Gryffindor Princess?

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