Chapter 9

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Author's Note: Hello! Sorry for not updating to anyone out there who is reading this. I hope I can be forgiven... :( Okay, here is your next chapter. Please R&R and ENJOY!

Third Person POV

The Golden Trio hadn't spoken in quite some time. Of course, Hermione and Harry were still on good terms, but Ron had told a secret the Hermione and Draco had asked to have been kept that way. Draco had been receiving looks of fear, anger, alarm, hatred, betrayal, even admiration, which was strange. A month after the big, realization, one would call it, Draco received a request to the Headmaster's office. Dumbledore had been absent for much of the school year, and had only just received the news.

"Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore greeted gesturing to the empty chair before him.

"Professor," Draco returned sitting down in the leather chair, nervously wringing his sweaty fingers.

"I have received news that you are in fact, the werewolf?" Dumbledore questioned. Draco hesitated before nodding slowly. "I see. Well, as this is a possible threat, we may need to-"

Draco cut him off quickly. "Sir please don't expel me!" Draco pleaded.

"That was not what I was going to see. For I had hired Professor Lupin. So, it is only fair to have you stay here. I will however set some safety precautions up for when you change. I am correct to assume you have the wolfsbane potion?" Draco nodded once more, trying to hide the delight that he felt that he could stay at Hogwarts, away from the Death Eater infested manor.

"Thank you, Professor," Draco sighed before standing.

"You are welcome, Draco. Please refrain from keeping any other gargantuan secrets," Dumbledore's eyes twinkled.

Draco smiled before muttering, "No promises." And leaving the room.

When he was walking down the hallway, he saw Hermione sitting in a window seat reading the book he had been reading only a month earlier. The Name of the Book is Secret.

"Are you enjoying it?" Draco asked coming up behind her.

"Greatly, yes. How was your meeting. I was worried," Hermione said turning to face Draco.

"It went fairly well. Dumbledore said I wasn't expelled and he is just setting up a few safety precautions. That's all," Draco said kissing the top of Hermione's head.

"Thank goodness," Hermione said leaning back into Draco's chest.

"Do you want to go with me to Hogsmeade this weekend?" Draco asked. Hermione smiled and nodded.

"Oh, Merlin! I have to get to class! I'll see you soon, Dray!" Hermione jumped up and raced to class. Draco chuckled and walked to his dormitory.

- Time Skip -

It was the Hogsmeade trip and Draco pulled on a black cloak over his black dress pants and green button down shirt. A pair of dragon skin boots adorned his feet. He walked to the entrance to the school and awaited Hermione's appearance. When she did show up, she looked beautiful. Though she was only wearing a pain of slim kaki pants and a red sweater with black high winter boots, she looked beautiful. No make up caked her face, and her hair was braided down her back.

"Hello, Draco," Hermione smiled pecking him on the lips.

"Mmm. Hello, 'Mione," Draco smiled taking in her Vanilla scent. The two left the school and walked to the carriages, scoring one of their own. They talked comfortably before arriving. Draco brought Hermione to the Leaky Cauldron and bought to butterbeer's to go. "C'mon. I have a surprise for you," Draco said taking Hermione's hand and leading her to the Shrieking Shack.

"Draco!" Hermione whispered harshly. "WE aren't allowed in there. Not to mention it will be freezing!" Draco smiled mischievously before leading her farther. When they got to the outside of the Shack, Hermione was about to sprint right back to the safety of Harry and Ron, when Draco opened the door. Inside was a cozy looking spot.

The walls were covered in a soft brown wood and the floor had a green and red carpet. A fire cackled in the center of the room and a few chairs rested around it. A circular glass coffee table surrounded the fire.

"Draco it's amazing!" Hermione gasped. Draco smiled and handed Hermione a hot butterbeer, settling himself in a chair, Hermione following his example. They talked until it was dark.

"Merlin's beard we missed the carriages!" Hermione shrieked. Draco chuckled at her antics. "What are you laughing at? We could get in huge trouble! No. I take that back. We WILL get in huge trouble."

"Calm down, "Mione," Draco laughed taking Hermione's hand. "We're only a thirty minute walk from the school. I told Blaise to let us in if we were late." Hermione sighed.

"Fine. But you are giving me your cloak," She grumbled. Draco laughed, but wrapped the cloak around Hermione's shoulders anyway. And so the walk home began. Snow ball fights broke out every so often, and playful bantering did as well. By the time they arrived at the castle, they were thoroughly soaked and laughing. Blaise sat huddled by the fence.

"It bloody took you long enough," Blaise grumbled and undid the magical barriers for a moment to let the lovers in. "I was out here for an hour!" Hermioen smiled and Draco laughed patting Blaise on the back.

"Sorry, mate. Had a few snowball fights," Draco chuckled on their way up. A sneaky smile appeared on Blaise's face before he conjured a snowball and threw it at Draco with dead accuracy.

"Oh it is on!" Draco yelped returning a snow ball and even Hermione joined in. Their laughter was heard in the castle and soon the entire school, including a few teachers were out on the courtyard, hurling snowballs at each other. And for a moment, nothing else mattered.

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