Chapter 6

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Author's Note: Hello readers. Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for all you cookies and would be even more thankful for some suggestions... reviews... Okay. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy your holiday and please R&R and ENJOY!

Third Person's POV

Hermione Granger paced her room trying to shake the growing unease. Tonight was the first full moon of the month. Personally, Hermione couldn't believe she hadn't thought of this plan sooner. She took a shaky breath before pulling on a pair of leggings under some jeans and a thick, grey jumper underneath her black winter coat. It was snowing outside and the already chilly London air was colder than normal. Hermione slipped on her black winter boots and a Gryffindor scarf and hat and white gloves before tying her hair up into a bun. She slipped out of the girls' dorm and to the common room where Harry and Ron were waiting for her.

"You sure you want to do this, 'Mione?" Harry asked handing her his cloak.

"For the last time, Harry. I want to do this. I'm sick of not knowing this," Hermione said. Ron hadn't spoken. "Ronald..." Hermione trailed off.

"Yeah, don't get hurt. We need the brains of this operation," Ron said smirking hoping it would make Hermione feel better. Hermione frowned.

"Well. Of course. All I am are the 'brains' of this group," Hermione huffed before stalking out.

"What did I do?" Ron asked obliviously.

Harry sighed. "Girls, Mate," He said before they walked to the dorms.


Hermione walked through the Hogwarts halls thoroughly frustrated with Ron. How could he just call her the brains. She sighed. Boys cannot be invading my thoughts at the moment Hermione cursed to herself before she stepped into the chilling air. Hermione sucked in a breath of frosty air, inhaling some fluffy snow flakes. She gazed around courtyard and saw the fading of three pairs of footsteps in the snow. She raced as quickly as she could without falling through the deep snow and eventually she was in front of the Forbidden Forest. The dark trees loomed over her in a threatening like manor. Hermione took in a deep breath before plunging into the woods.

Hermione trailed through the woods she hadn't visited since first year following the trail of foot prints. Then, the foot prints stopped. If Hermione had stayed lost in her thoughts any longer, she would have run straight into the three Slytherins. Hermione quietly slinked back into the shadows of the trees and listened to the conversation.

"So, when does it start?" Hermione recognized Theodore Nott asked.

"Whenever it does. It should actually start soon," a boy with silvery blonde hair responded. Draco!

"Did you take the potion?" Blaise asked. Draco nodded before leaning against a tree. "It's starting," Blaise whispered and pulled Theo back into the shadows. Hermione held her breath and stepped away from the boys and to the other side of a tree. She watched as Draco changed. Doubling over in pain as tears streamed down his normally flawless face. Hermione heard the terrible crack and breaking of bones and muscles and ligaments. Fur sprouted and finally, a sleek werewolf stood were the Malfoy boy once was. Hermione stifled a gasp. Draco really was the werewolf. She didn't stick around to be discovered and she raced away back to the castle.

Hermione trudged back inside thoroughly cold and soaked to her skin. She had tripped and fallen in the snow and was miserable the rest of the way to the castle. She arrived in her room and stripped of her soaked clothes before pulling on a pair of fuzzy, baggy sweats and a tight long sleeved shirt. She went to the kitchen and got hot chocolate before waking up Harry and Ron. She would have waited until breakfast, but she didn't want to risk eavesdroppers.

"What did you find, Hermione?" Harry asked wringing out the remaining water in his cloak.

"You were right," Hermione said sighing.

"What?" Ron asked confused as he eyed the candies Hermione had gotten. Hermione noticed and shoved the box toward him.

"Draco. He's the werewolf. He is the one who was bitten this summer," Hermione sighed. She didn't miss Ron's chuckle of glee. "What is so funny?" Hermione snapped.

"Oh nothing. Just the fact that the Malfoy bloodline is no longer pureblooded," Ron chuckled deviously.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked.

"He means," Hermione sighed. "That if Draco and his wife."

"If he ever gets one," Ron smirked. Hermione glared.

"If Draco and his wife were to bare another heir, that heir would not be pure blooded because of the werewolf blood. Granted the wife is pureblooded as well," Hermione explained. She couldn't help but pity the Malfoy boy. Just because his father had failed, Draco Malfoy was not so pure-blooded.

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